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"I have an idea." Shigaraki started "Hagakure, with your invisibly you can get a schedule so we can plan our attack." "Sounds good, but what if I'm caught?" She said. "You won't, I'll make a distraction." "What's this distraction going to be?" "I'm not sure yet. Just trust me. You'll know when its time." "Ok."

(The next day)

During lunch an alarm went off and everyone freaked out. "It must be time." The four of them thought. Hagakure split off and took off her uniform to be completely invisible.

She snuck into the teacher's lounge and found it empty as the faculty was focusing on whatever the alarm was about. She snooped around and found a schedule of where All Might would be. "Perfect" she thought. Then she snuck back out with the paper and got dressed again.

She found the other three "I got it." She said. "Great." Shinso said. "Yeah, keep it hidden though, well give it Shig after school." Deku said. "Obviously." She said.

The day continued on and after school they went to the base and gave the schedule to Shigaraki. "Perfect. We'll attack tomorrow while you're at the USJ, it's far enough from the main building so we're less likely to get caught." He said. "How will we attack, don't we need more people? One day isn't going to be enough to prepare." Kaminari said. "I already have about a hundred thugs who are willing to join the attack whenever we do it. It'll be fine. Plus we have a secret weapon to take down All Might." He said leading them to another room where they found a creature. "This is a Nomu, he's bio-engineered to be just as strong, if not stronger than All Might."

"Alright, I'll have to not be involved but good luck." Shinso said. "Wait, should we reveal ourselves or keep our cover?" Midoriya asked. "Keep your cover. It's unlikely but possible we could fail. Also, Kurogiri will split everyone up but you guys will be teleported to a safe area, the thugs don't know the code so trying it would be useless with them." Shigaraki said. "This seems like a solid plan." Hagakure said.

(The next day)

"Today we will be doing rescue exercises at an off campus facility, we will be taking a bus so get ready, costumes are optional." Aizawa said. The traitors were getting antsy, they knew what was going to happen soon.

Once everyone was gathered outside they boarded the bus. Iida, as the class rep, was trying to keep everyone in order.

When they got to the USJ they noticed All Might wasn't there. They thought it would be too suspicious if they asked so they didn't say anything.

Aizawa and the other faculty member, Thirteen, were explaining how the training would work when "Hey what is that? Has the training started already? I thought we were doing rescues." A boy with red hair said, his name was Kirishima. This caused Aizawa and Thirteen to turn around. "Stay back those are real villains!" Aizawa said. "Its happening now." The traitors all thought.

"I'll go battle, Thirteen, protect the students and get them to safety!" Aizawa said as he ran into the battle. Everyone started running to the exit as Kurogiri went right in front of them. "I simply can't allow you to leave." He said. Bakugo and Kirishima jumped up and attacked him. Luckily, they missed his actual body. Then Kurogiri split everyone up, as according to the plan. The traitors were safe, and the rest of the students were in battle.

A few minutes later and Aizawa was fighting- no, being destroyed by the Nomu.

A few more minutes went by and they saw Kurogiri flying away, and Deku noticed something that looked like Sero's tape. "Damnit. Was he unable to split all of them up?" Deku thought to himself.

Then Kurogiri went over to Shigaraki "There are students i wasn't able to disperse and one of them escaped." Kirogiri said. "Damnit Kurogiri! All Might isn't even here and pros will be here soon. Lets just go, we can try again at a later date." Shigaraki said "but first, let's make sure the symbol of peace is broken. Let's wreck his pride," he ran over to the nearest student "let's make this hurt!" He was about to use his quirk to disintegrate them, but he couldn't. "You really are so cool, Eraserhead." Shigaraki said, Aizawa was using his quirk on him.

The Nomu slammed Aizawa's head into the ground. Then All Might came in through the door. "You are safe students, I am here!" He said.

"Well, looks like our game is getting a continue." Shigaraki said and sent the Nomu after All Might.

All Might quickly ran in, picked up Aizawa, and brought him back to where Thirteen and the remaining students were, then he started to battle the Nomu.

He suplexed the Nomu into the ground, but Kurogiri opened a warp gate and trapped All Might. The Nomu was starting to pull All Might through the warp gate so Kurogiri could close it on him and kill him, but just as Kurogiri was about to start closing it, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima showed up.

Todoroki froze the Nomu, allowing All Might to get free of it's grasp. Bakugo tackled, and held down Kurogiri, and Kirishima attempted, and failed, to tackle Shigaraki.

Shigaraki sent the Nomu after Bakugo to free Kurogiri, and Bakugo would've beed dead, if All Might hadn't stepped in and saved him.

The battle between All Might and the Nomu continued.

"PLUS ULTRA!" All Might yelled as he sent the Nomu flying, the Nomu went right through the wall and outside the building.

"Damnit!" Kaminari said as they watched the Nomu flying. "Quiet down." Hagakure said. "Yeah, we don't know if someone else might be nearby." Deku said. "Right, sorry." Kaminari responded.

"Anyway, we should probably make our way back to the entrance." Deku said. The other two agreed and they started to head over to the entrance.

Just a few minutes later however, they heard a gunshot, then more gunshots. "The hell?" Kaminari said, they were all a little startled by it as the gunshots were pretty loud. Then they looked towards the entrance. "Damn, the pros are here already?" Deku said. "I wonder if they managed to kill All Might." Hagakure said. "You saw the Nomu go flying a few minutes ago, I doubt they managed to kill him." Kaminari said, a bit irritated.

Snipe was shooting Shigaraki, Kurogiri protected him, for the most part, at least, then opened a warp gate for them to escape, although Thirteen was trying to suck him up with her quirk. The villains managed to escape back to the base, and the traitors continued to the entrance.

By the time they got to the entrance the pros had already split up around the facility to get the rest of the students.

Once everyone had gathered outside the facility, and Aizawa and Thirteen were transported to a hospital, the students were taken back to UA.

(A/N: Omg FINALLY got a new chapter out! Sorry it took so long, I've just been lacking motivation for pretty much everything lately, but I'll try my best to get chapters out!)

He's Quirkless... Right? (Villain Deku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang