Knoted fate! Pt.1?

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(Happy late valentine's day loves let me make all your sexy fantasies come true )
{Warning sexual action and bad language}[girl x boy]

"Don't let anyone in but me ok dear we clear?" I nodded my head at my adoptive mother. More like kidnapper, you see she's a witch and my dad tried to get a turnip and celery from her garden when she found out they traded me they're unborn child to a witch.

So after I was born I lived with the witch who I call miss wicked. Around the age of 5 boys in the town started to notice me and one guy was brave enough to actually sneak in while my witch of a mother was out. The other boys were to scared to actual talk to me but not, Dieter {DEE-Ter}(german for strongest warrior). He would knock on my window and we would talk about anything and everything. Every day and night we would talk.

He said to me "I'll save this kingdom I'll kill the mad king and takeover one day and when I do will you be my queen punzel. I promise I'll come back and look for you that is if you'll have me." I agreed to he's proposal but, I was 5 and he was 9. I didn't understand what it all meant till he left the very next day to join a rebellion or something but he gave me a hair ordainment before he left without saying good-bye.

The next two years I was seven and the sun was rising when a knock at the door happen I was excited thinking he finally came back I knew he would. My witch mother opened the door to a old rich guy. He glanced at me from behind her and let out a creepy smile.

"Hello what would you like for that maiden you harbor?" He smugly asked. Miss Wicked answered with "she's worth more time and life then you can offer if you wish to even so much as speak to her I'll curse ye. Now scat you pig." I smiled at that she means well sometimes but I think that she only wants me to stay a virgin well, at least till I'm 19 then she can use my blood to keep her young.

After that day she moved me to a tower in the woods. I couldn't leave EVER! I could never see Dieter again if I did it would be in the next world. I missed him. When I was 7 my hair was already down to my toes. Miss Wicked taught me how to keep my hair strong she would brush it now and again and use river water and berries to wash and clean my hair, keeping it smelling of fruit. She used and enchanted brush to make my hair grow and it grew two feet each day.

When I turned 9 I started to grow in various places my body became rounded in some areas. I was short still but everyday and every night I'd look out at the far castle and wait for the flag of the highest tower to burn. Then I'd know my Dieter was still alive.

He probably forgot all about me by now I'm 19 years old 4'10 I'm super short I know but my hair stunts my growth. I am Rapunzel spellcraft and today is my 19th birthday.

-----------•intro over•-----------

I watched Miss wicked climb down my hair she'd be gone almost two months to get what she need for her ritual. 5 months ago I had my first bleeding I'm a late bloomer so I'm hormonally unstable. I crave heat of someone's flesh.

On the bright side I got sweet bread for my birthday and it not sweet eating it alone.

I laid in my hammock made of my hair tie between two pillars. I lightly swung myself to the side and sang to myself. I saw something out my balcony . I hop down and look out into the distance I saw smoke from the castle beyond the woods. The highest flag at the top of the tower burned I saw flames everywhere the castle was in flames. I could hear the people of the town from here.

I saw small lights of flames moving quickly through the woods one light blew out and the others scattered. I pulled myself up on the ledge of my balcony and swung my legs curious of what that could be.

I felt a pull on my hair, fear took over my body as I scurried back over into my room. 'Someone is climbing up my hair' I quickly. It was to late to pull up my hair. I forgot I left some out to sundry. I rushed to the dark side of my room. Who is coming up my tower tis late at night.

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