This is just right

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{Warning foul language sexual content and violence, may contain beastallity and alcohol} [F x M x M x M](also my very first 3rd person pov tell me how I did)


If you ever wanted someone just right you have to try them all. I couldn't help it my life had always been just right, not too slow, not too fast. My golden locks flow down my back to my waist in curls. I was going to my baby cousin's house, little Red. I put my knife in my garter belt. Well I have to protect myself some how not that people don't know my families' reputation. We're mafia so people usually don't mess with us.

I tied the strings on the top of my corset's blouse. Putting my hair into pigtails and set off for the woods. There was a trail that split into two. The fork in the road had a signpost one said "Dead man's trail" the other was "candy rocky road". Of course I choose the better path which was Dead man's trail. The other path is full of sharp rocks and twisted roads. Walking past the bush it moved revealing a sign I didn't really care thou and walked on. Sign: {beware of bears}

I'm fuckin Golden Blood Locks, Goldie for short and I'm in the mafia.

--intro over--

The path was foggy and the trees were dead. The wind was whispering to the trees and the trees answered with that hollow wooden sound. There was a small path for me to follow if I don't stray I can get to Red's house in no time. My stomach started to growl and I was getting a bit tired. The woods got thicker as I pressed on. Soon I lost site of the trail. I looked up to see if there was any stars but the fog and the trees made it impossible to see anything. Great I was lost.

~meanwhile at the 3 bears' house~(oldest bear)

"Bro did you finish the pizza?" Kevin yelled as he finished his beer. I laughed at my little brother's action of crushing the mead can in his hand. "Hell yea I finished get Kyle fall is here and we need to fish before winter gets here and we have no food to eat k?" Kevin nodded and went to get Kyle. Being the oldest brother bear I have to take care of my idiot brothers Kyle the middle child and Kevin the youngest. I'm the oldest the name is Karter.

We packed up our fishing equipment a changed into our bear beast forms. Me and my bros raced to the river till we finished up work today.

"Hey Karter you smell that?" We slow down as Kyle draws my attention to a sweet smell like baked sweets. I nodded towards them.

"It's probably a berry bird it's migration season. We have to get to work and besides no one I mean no one enters this part of the woods." So I thought.

~back to Goldie pov~

Grrr~ I grabbed my stomach in cramping hunger pain.

"Shit I'm so hungry. I have to tell Red I'm going to be late." I whistle and my ogre-hawk came through the fog.

"Hey snake go find the nearest house for me k cutie?" He squaked and flew off and about a minute later landed on my head happily. "Wow already lead the way!?" About four minutes later I was in front of a house that look like bandits lived here. Oh but, the smell of food is soooo fucking heavenly right now.

The house was seriously a mancave. The lock on the door is a standard P3n1s home made lock super easy. I pull out my hair ornament, slowly and carefully slip it in the lock I pushed it in deep and twisted it till I heard the turbine give out and the springs click.

Putting my ornament back in place I breath heavy. "God lock picking really gets me hot and heavy." My nipples were hard and roughly rubbing against my blouse.

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