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CORINA AGUILAR was a young Hispanic girl who loved life. Well. . . some of it. She love the part where she thought that she belonged. She hated her abusive father who did it both ways. . .mentally and physically. She loved the part where her mother came from work opening the door with wide arms for Corina to jump on her and give her a hug.

THE DAYS FADED without a light. Her mother was brutally beat to death by her father. He dug the body in there backyard. Corina never said a word. She couldn't, she would die, and that wasn't just a "if" it was a swear. By her father.

THEN THERE COMES GEORGIA. The all happy gal from Alabama with a child, same age as Corina. Georgia had then married Corina's father. Virginia, or shall I say Ginny, was now her step sister, they got along quite well. She found out that Ginny's father had an on and off relationship with Georgia. Oh and the abuse. . . never died down.

CORINA SWORE to her father to not say a peep. He was practically holding her to gunpoint. Trapped in his mouse trap. The only thing that was keeping her 8 year old self to not break was Ginny. And somewhat Georgia. She liked her, not her mom, but acceptable. She knew Georgia cared.

NOT KNOWING anyone was watching Corina's father's actions, Georgia was watching 24/7. Every slap, every punch, and every kick. Corina would make up some dumb excuse about how all those marks came from school, but Georgia knew damm right it wasn't. I mean, she was in her shoes once.

ONE NIGHT CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING. And that one night, she escaped. Not by her self. With Ginny and Georgia. And her father. . . guilty for killing her mother. Corina was amazed at how much Georgia took control over this big mess. She was now seeing Georgia as her mom.

THEY HAD RAN AWAY to Texas where Georgia found yet another husband. Then there comes Corina's little brother, Austin. Even though we aren't relatives I still see him as one just like I do to Georgia or . . . mom.

TIME HAS PASSED and they were now standing in front of there new Massachusetts home. Oh I forgot to mention. . .

GEORGIA GOT back with Ginny's dad for a couple months. He had even opened up to Corina and told her to call her dad. Corina was happy that she had a real father figure. One who cared. That didn't last. They still talk though.

GEORGIA HAD GONE through boyfriends, husbands, and more boyfriends. One that they had stuck with for a long time was Kenny who had recently passed away to a heart attack, well that and then a car crash. It was unexpected. Corina and Ginny weren't sad. They were more relieved. Kenny was something, and that wasn't a step father nor a father figure.

CORINA had a feeling this town was gonna be a good vibe . . . or so she though.

Felt So Loved •Ginny and Georgia•Marcus BakerWhere stories live. Discover now