Chapter 20

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Austin's POV

It's been 2 months since Maxine and I went out and goten close like that. I want to marry her soon so were not just married in our pack. I run my hair through my hands and get in the car. Maxine was at her parents house checking on her dad fot the billionth time. He hasn't gotten better nor worse but we were  all concerned and I wanted to do this before he tried to leave.  I carry little Victoria into her room and dress her into a fluffly pink dress and a headband bigger than her head. I pinch her nose which earns me a giggle. She's my world; her and her mother. I walk downstairs and fix Victoria some bottles and put them in her diaper bag. I walk outside and open the backdoor, putting Victoria into her carseat. We are about to go pick out a ring for Maxine. I get in and put the mirror on Victoria to see her giggling to herself. She's such a happy baby and so pretty. I arrive into town 45 minutes later since Victoria shitted up a storm. I pull up the this jewlery store. I get a sleeping Victoria and walk in. 

"Hello welcome to Vidaco" An italalian woman said to me

"Hello" I say walking in

"Oh my Jesus, she's adorable in her dress!" The woman exclaims

"Thank you" I say smiling

"Well, what may I help you with?" She asks walking behind the counter.

"Well I think its time to marry my soulmate and I know the bigger the rock the bigger the love" I joke

"Yes, well you might want to look at this ring" She laughs

She shows me this wedding set that has a big diamond the size of a breath mint with small diamonds along the band of silver. It looked like Maxine, sophisticated and classy.

"We also have this one" She says

It was a black diamond with Ruby's on each side with a gold band. It looked to Gothic.

"I want the first one" I say

"Nice choice, do you want a payment method?" she asks smiling

"No I want to pay all of it now, its a nag doing all of that." I say

"Aww, she's lucky to have you" The lady says taking my drivers license and debit card.

"Hell, I'm lucky to have her, she gave me a family" I say smiling down at Victoria

"Well, I hope the best for you two, don't act like these young men out here, it will get you in trouble" She advise me

"Yes ma'am, thank you" I say walking out the door.

I put Victoria back in the car and buckle her up before getting in the drivers seat. I hear Victoria wake up and I talk to her as I drive. We stop at the gas station and I fill the car up. I text Maxine to be dressed in 6 hours. I drive back to the pack house and let my mom babysit and showed her the ring.

"Oh my god, its gorgeous!" My mom says

"Yeah I hope so, it cost a pretty penny" I say

"She'll love it" My mom says, kissing my cheek.

My dad walks in the room with a sand which.

"You got it?" He asks in his hardvoice 

"Right here" I pass him the ring and he nod his head in agreement.

"She'll love it. But you better be good to her, that's a good woman" My father says picking up Victoria and playing with her. I never seen my father go soft but when he has Victoria, it's another story.

"I will, now excuse me I gotta get ready" I say

I walk upstairs to my office and pick out a suit, leaving it on my chair. I walk to one of the bathrooms and take a long hot shower while thinking about this life. I get out and walk back to my office in a towel and put on my suit and Maxine's favorite cologne she likes me to wear. I look in the mirror and fix my hair. It's starting to get long, I need to cut it and my five o'clock. I walk out and go to the living room and kiss Victoria and my mom goodbye. Victoria protest a little when I walked away but she calmed down 10 seconds later. I walk out and get in the car, drive around back and pick up Maxine. She was wearing a blue dress with her back out that stopped at her knees and some gold high heels. She had her hair flat ironed and pinned up. She looked gorgeous. She gets in the car and I smile at her.

"You look gorgeous" I say kissing her cheek.

She smiles as I hold her hand and pull out.

"You look good and your wearing that cologne." She says leaning on me and taking a sniff.

I speed down the road with the car quiet.

"Does your mom have Victoria?" She asks

"Yes, my mom wanted her." I say

"Oh, does she have everything?" She asks

"Don't worry about her, I made sure everything was right" I say while massaging her hand.

We get there soon after that and pull up at this restaurant I made reservations for. We get out and walk in and immediately get a table. I look at Maxine who was trying to find something. The waiter comes up and Maxine asks for a suggestion and the waiter suggested the champagne shrimp and pasta so she got that and I got the lobster soufflé. The food was great and we were on desert now. We also got a bottle of wine with our food. When Maxine wasnt paying attention I pulled out the ring. She looked at me and it looks like she was registering what was going on because soon she had this priceless look as I smiled at her. She squeaked as I put the ring on her finger. I didn't even know people around the resturant we paying attention until they applauded us. Maxine grinned at me and kissed me over the table.

"Its huge" She said while looking at the ring

"Do you like it?" I asked

"I love it" she says

After a while we left and went home. I couldnt even close the door behind us good enough before Maxine attacked me by jumping on me and kissing me. I kiss back and grab her ass, while walking upstairs to the room. I close the door and lay her on the bed. We haven't had sex in three months and right now I wasn't complaining.

"You sure?" I ask

"Yes!" She says

She pulls me down on top of her and wraps her legs around me. I kiss her hard while rubbing her thighs. I get up and take off both of our shoes and my jacket. She sits up and feels my chest, looking at me as I start breathing hard. She starts unbuttoning my shirt which takes her no time and rips it off of me. I growl as she turns around for me to unzip her before lifting it up. I get off the bed and take off my pants. She pulls me back on the bed and gets on top of me. I place my hands back on her ass, kissing her deep as she reaches down and takes out my hard member. She starts stroking it, earning some groans. I take off her bra and panties. I flip us over and go down on her, tasting her womanhood. It tasted sweet, like pineapples. She grabs my hair and pushes my face closer. Next thing she's cumming on my tongue. I get up and take off my boxer before lining up my member to her vaginal hole. I push it in and go slowly. She grabs my back and screams as I start going faster. Next thing I know I reached my climax and both of us pass out...

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