Mcsteamy's Lost Daughter

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My mom texted me during history class one day to call her and I had no idea why.

I told my teacher I had to go to the bathroom and I quickly got up and went out in the hall and called my mom.

My mom told me something I never thought would ever happen.

She told me that when I was in New York on my 8th grade trip the writer of Grey's Anatomy noticed me from a movie I did when I was younger and she wanted me to personally audition for a part that she thought I would do good at. I was so shocked that I completely forgot I was at school and screamed happily.

My teacher heard me and was mad that I made an excuse to take a call for my work.

The week after that I took a day off of school and I went with my dad to the audition.

I went inside the big building which is sort of a studio of some type and went into this big room where 4 judges were technically 2 of them were directors and 1 of them was the writer and the other one was the producer.

I said my part I was supposed to act and right on the spot they accepted me and told me that I will be in the cast a month from now to give me time to read through my lines and to transfer to homeschool.


I am homeschooled now and I've read through my script, my part is a major part of the cast now and I'm going to be in a lot of scenes with a lot of the famous members of the cast like Mark, Callie, Arizona, and Derek.

I haven't met them yet but I'm literally on the way to meet them now, I'm so nervous.

I get out of the car with my suitcase and backpack and go to my new trailer.

I get my stuff ready and get out and go to set.

I am so nervous but also excited.

I don't know what to think.

I get to set on a golf cart and see Shonda Rhimes.

You must be Avery Carter, she says.

Hi Mrs. Rhimes yes I'm Avery, I say to her shaking her hand.

Well Avery I'm so glad to have you as a new member of the cast, she says to me.

I'm so glad to be a part of it, I reply to her.

Hey Shonda, oh you must be Avery, I'm Sara, the Latina says.

Nice to meet you Sara, yes I'm Avery, I say to her.

Well, Avery I know already that you, Jessica, Eric and I will become very close, she says to me.

Oh your Callie right, I say to her.

Yes I'm Callie, she says to me.

Then Eric is Mark my dad and Jessica is Arizona your girlfriend, I say to her.

Yes your right, Sara says to me.

Oh ok cool, I can't wait to meet them, I say to her.

How about you come with me and we can walk on set together to get ready we'll definitely see Eric and Jessica and our other cast members, Sara says.

Ok, I say to her.

I go with her and walk around.

Then we see Jessica.

Jessica this is Avery she's going to be playing Eric's daughter, Sara says.

Oh hi Avery I'm Jessica I'm Arizona in Grey's, she says to me.

Nice to meet you Jessica, I say to her.

I hug her and she hugs me back.

Then Caterina comes over.

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