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Y'all have been asking me to update, but I have no clue what to write so I'm writing this to tide you guys over. P.S. for those who don't know: the Tsurugis are Kagami's family

       Adrien stretched as he woke, removing bits of sleep from his limbs. Yawning, he looked over to where Marinette lay, deciding if he should wake her up. Except... where WAS Marinette? Looking around the room, he was startled to find himself in his own bedroom. 'What?' A knock alerted him that someone was at the door. "Come in."

       In walked Nathalie, as she did every morning, but Adrien still didn't know why he was in his room. He was certain he had gone on that trip with Marinette and her parents. "Adrien, your father wishes to talk with you about the meeting with the Tsurugis. Hurry up and get dressed, breakfast will be ready once you come downstairs." As she turned to leave, Adrien called out to her.

       "Nathalie, wait! What am I doing here? I was on vacation with Marinette and her parents wasn't I?" His father's assistant shot him a confused look and replied, uncertain.

       "I don't understand what you're asking, Adrien. You never even mentioned going on vacation with your friend. It was probably just a dream. I'll see you at breakfast and give you your schedule then." With that, she left, closing the door and leaving an extremely confused Adrien behind her.

       Staring at his sheets for a few moments longer, Adrien decided to get dressed, then figure out what was happening. He showered off the remaining bits of sleep that clung to him, got dressed and headed downstairs, all the while wondering if it really all had been a dream. He entered the dining room as he did every morning, sitting at his place at the table and mulling over his thoughts as he drank his orange juice. About halfway through his meal, Nathalie entered.

       "I asked your father about a vacation with your pigtailed friend and he said you had never even mentioned such a thing to him. You probably heard her mention it to another friend and your unconscious mind inserted you into the situation. If it helps at all, your father has given you a break from modeling for the next week after today." She continued to go over his schedule, droning on about how he had fencing AND a photo shoot today, but Adrien just tuned her out. Had it all been a dream? He had never been to California before, though, and the sights were too real for him to have just made them up. Ugh, his brain was starting to hurt from thinking about it. "Adrien, are you listening to me?" Nathalie questioned. It made Adrien jump.

       "Uh- Yeah! Yeah, of course! Uhm... what were you saying, again?"

       Nathalie sighed, then repeated, "You have an hour to get ready for the meeting with the Tsurugis. Do you have any more questions for me before you meet with your father?" she raised a brow, as if expecting him to ask about his vacation with the Dupain-Changs again.

       "Uhhhm... What is the meeting about?..."

       She started. "I- I'm not sure. You will have to ask Mr. Agreste. Anything else?"

       "No. Thank you, Nathalie." Adrien rose from his spot at the table, and started towards his father's office. Once at the door, he knocked. "Come in," a voice from inside called. Opening the door, Adrien was greeted with the sight of his father working at the little podium thing he had put before his mother's portrait. Closing the door behind him, Adrien turned to face his father. "You wanted to speak with me, father?" In his peripheral vision, the scene outside the window flashed to a calm beach. 'What in the world?'

       "Yes, Adrien. It's about our meeting with the Tsurugis later," his father flickered out of sight temporarily, as if Adrien was watching a screen and it glitched. 'Huh?' "I expect you to be on your top behavior. This meeting could benefit the Gabriel brand extraordinarily, and I don't want this to be messed up."

       "Of course, father. I understand." His mind was still reeling from whatever the heck happened with the window and his father, but he was still 'there' enough to respond as he was expected to.

       "Wonderful." Gabriel continued to talk, but all Adrien could hear was the lazy sound of waves sliding against damp sand. "Adrien are you listening?" Adrien looked up at his father, suddenly feeling extremely light-headed. Gabriel's mouth moved some more, and Adrien tried to make out what he was saying, but before he could, the world started spinning and he collapsed.


When he woke again, he was in a room he did not recognize, with a warmth at his side. Looking beside himself, he identified the source of heat as Marinette, curled up next to him as she had been their first morning in California. As he continued to stare at the bluenette beside him, she started to stir.

"Adrien?" Her voice was kinda scratchy, it was obvious she had been asleep for a while. "What's wrong, my love? Did you have a bad dream?"

The color of Adrien's face would easily rival the color of a tomato, even in the dim light. Floating through his head were only the words 'my love' and the concerned face Marinette made as she rested her palm against his cheek. Clearing his throat, the flustered blond tried for words. "Uhhh- No! No bad dreams here! I'm fine! Yeah! Yes! 100% great! Amazing! Yes!" 'Well that could have gone better...' he pouted internally. To his luck, Mari just smiled at him softly.

"Alright, love." Gently guiding his head down, she kissed his forehead, then settled deeper into her pillow. It didn't take long for her breathing to even out, and once Adrien was sure she was asleep, he began to freak out. 'Oooookay. So. I have no clue where I am, but Marinette's here with me and apparently we're in a relationship or something and she kissed me. Why do I want to kiss her back?!' Slowly, he turned to his slumbering princess. With heat quickly rising to his cheeks, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her temple. Face on fire, he settled into the bed, wrapped his arm around Marinette once more, and forced himself to sleep.


When he awoke the third time, he was back in the hotel room. Through the darkness, he could make out Marinette, one bed over from him, just as she had been when he fell asleep the first time. Heart pounding and face on fire, he make a bee-line for the bathroom. Once he had locked himself inside (only after tripping on his suitcase and nearly waking Mari up), he turned on the sink and splashed the cool water on his face. "What the heck?" he whispered to his reflection. Drying his face off with one of the hand towels provided by the hotel, he made his way back to bed. Being careful to avoid his suitcase, he slipped back under the covers of his bed. Ignoring the startlingly overwhelming urge to just crawl in bed with Marinette (seriously what was happening to him?), he faced away from her, towards the closet, and for the last time that night, fell asleep.

Holy cow I'm pretty sure this is longer than half the chapters in this book. I'm really sorry for any errors, I'm writing this at, like, 10:30 pm or something like that, so I'm not checking it for mistakes. Let me know what you want to have happen in the next chapter! I know I've already said they were going to Vasquez Rocks, but I'm actually fresh out of ideas on what should actually happen so if you're a creative person throw out some ideas! Uh- Yeah! Love y'all! 😘

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