mileven: i've got you pt. 1

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"so you're new here?" mike walks up to the new girl.

she shyly looks up at the cute boy and nods her head.

"that's cool. would you care for me to show you around?"

she nods her head softly again. mike smiles at her before starting to walk and she follows behind. "so, is it okay if i ask what your name is?"

"el." el says softly.

"el. okay, el, welcome to hawkins middle. it's kind of sucky to join in 8th grade but i promise you will make friends." mike smiles at her.

"thanks." she smiles. her gentle voice opens this warm spot on mikes heart in a way it's never have before with a girl. something about el is just something special, already.

"you're welcome." he sighs quickly, "alright so first this is where all of our classes are. could i see your schedule?"

el picks the paper from out of her pocket and hands it to him. "oh! before i say or do anything else, my name is mike."

"hi mike." she cutely says.

he laughs to himself. he opens the half folded schedule that el handed to him, looking if they have any classes together. "that's neat, we have 4 classes together!"

el chuckles in excitement.

"so first this is mrs. anderson's classroom." mike points to where the class is, which is to the right of where they are.

"right over there is mr. clarke's room. he's a pretty cool teacher so you'll like the class." he points to the left of where they are standing. mike then proceeds to show where the rest of the classes are to el.


"thanks mike." el quickly says before he walks off.

"of course. i'll see you in class then." he waves.

el waves back before looking down at her schedule to see where she has to go. right as she figures out where to go, the bell rings so she sees a bunch of people going to their class.

el gets frightened by all of the people that she starts to panic. people start looking at her and she doesn't like that. "mike." she says under her breath and looking for him.

she tears up a bit but tries to hold it in. she finally sees mike amongst the crowds of people.  she gets passed everyone by pushing them out of her way so she can get to mike.

"mike." she tears up, saying softly and hanging onto his arm.

"el? what's wrong?"

"there's people, a lot of people."

"do you not like that?"

she shakes her head no.

"i'm sorry about that. i wish i could do something about it but i can't. what i can do is ask to hang out with you after school, would you like to?"

el nods her head. mike smiles before walking to first period. "c'mon let's go, we have first period together."

"okay." el says staying near him at all times. they finally get to class and they sit down next to each other.

time passes by and class has started and everyone is sitting and talking while mike and el are sitting in the back corner, staying silent. "alright class, welcome. today we are just going to be doing a worksheet but first, let's introduce our new student. why don't you come up here and introduce yourself yeah?"

el looks at mike scared. he signals to her that it's going to be okay and she should go. all eyes turn to el as she gets up to go to the front.

"what's your name?" the teacher asks smiling brightly.

"el." she says softly.

"speak up please, i couldn't hear you."

"el." she says a little louder. the teacher nods her head before asking another question. "where are you from?"

el stays silent. she starts to tear up and the class starts murmuring while mike is upset at the others. "it's okay." mike mouths to her, but el still keeps tearing up.

she runs out of the classroom letting the tears fall before mike quickly gets up to follow her. el leans her back against the wall quickly, letting the tears stream down her face as she falls down.

mike finds her pretty quick and rushes over to her, "hey what's wrong?"

"mike!" she gasps, hugging him. he hugs her back but in confusion. "what's going on? what happened?"

el stops hugging him to look at mike, "i can't."

"you can't? can't what?"


"answer the question?"


"why not? if your okay with me answering."

"because.." she lets another tear fall, ".. people wouldn't like me."

"what? that's nonsense who wouldn't like you?"


"that's not true."

"yes it is, i've been bullied."

mike makes a sad face before letting el hug him tightly. the teacher comes out of the room, "young lady you cannot do that in my classroom. i'm one of the nice teachers here but when it comes to leaving my classroom without telling me, i get upset. go to the office."

"what? that's bullshit." mike retorted.

"you too wheeler." she scoffs before walking back inside the classroom.

mike gets up and el let's go of him. he puts his hands out and el puts her hands into his as he pulls her up. "let's just go so we don't get into more trouble okay?" he gently asks.

"okay." el hangs onto his arm again, resting her head onto his arm. they both start walking towards the front office. "what are you guys here for?" the lady looks up at the both of them.

"she's here for leaving class when the teacher made her talk when she didn't like that and i'm here for swearing at ms. anderson."

"mike, you need to stop swearing."

"i know but it's a habit."

"just try and stop. i won't make you go back to class or anything but i could let you go home."

"yes i wanna leave this place."

she rolls her eyes then looks at el, "so sweetie, are you new here?"

el looks at mike before looking at her, "yes."

"okay i get it if you get uncomfortable but try not to run out of class next time alright?"

she nods her head.

"alright, i'll let you go home too. tomorrow try not to do this again."

"okay fine." mike retorted. he grabs the slips that she handed over, giving one to el. "alright let's get our stuff first then we can go okay?"

el nods her head. they walk back to the classroom, grabbing their stuff and not caring about other people, then walking back out to their lockers. "do you know where your locker is?"

"no." el softly replied.

"can i see your schedule again?"

el doesn't say anything but take it out of her pocket and hands it to mike. "you have locker 264. huh! that's right next to mine."

el chuckles to herself. they both walk over to her locker and he shows her how to open it. she gets it pretty quick before mike opens his and grabs something out of his locker. "what is that?"

"this? it's a cigarette." mike whips out a lighter. "c'mon, i know a good place to hang out." el hangs onto his arm again as they walk out of the school.

one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora