⚠️ Chapter 4⚠️

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"Jaemin what happened with u and Jeno?" Haechan said, Jaemin is at Haechan's house

"I don't know, he didn't break up with me but he's not talking either" Jaemin said with a sad pout

"Jaemin I'm sorry-"

"Sorry for what Haechanie, I'm sad because I didn't get to punch Mark more" Jaemin said as he threw punches at the air "btw... WHY DIDN'T U TELL ME HE WAS CHEATING ON U!"

Haechan sigh "I don't know and I'm so confuse, if he doesn't want me anymore then why don't he just break up with me but he still treats me really good, but why!?"

"Maybe he's just playing with u" Jaemin hold his best friend's hand "I think u should break up with him"

Haechan stayed silent with his head down

"I think u should break up with him too" Their heads shot up to see who said that

"But Ten...." Haechan said

"Haechan, didn't Kun tell u to be careful with him" Ten said taking a seat on Haechan's bed

"Yeah but I spent 2 years with him, he always treated me good"

"Ohhh u didn't want to break up with him because your 2 years anniversary is coming up" Jaemin said now understanding the whole situation

"Yeah....😔" Before Ten could say anything Haechan phone started to ring

"Speak of the devil"

"Haechan I think u should do it"

Haechan sigh as he answered the call "Hey Mark"

"Baby, I was wondering if u wanted to go get ice cream with me after school tomorrow"

"Am...... I have something to tell you"

"Oh what is it?"

"Can we talk in person"

"Yeah sure, I'll come over"

"No, just met me at the park"


Haechan hung up, Mark was his first boyfriend so this is going to be hard to do

*Time skip*

It was around 5 in the evening, so it still had some people in the park

"Baby what happen?" Mark said as he got up from the bench he was sitting on

Haechan took a deep breath
"Mark, I need u to be honest with me"

"Yes of course"

"Are u cheating on me?" Haechan could see him panicking just by the way he instantly looked away
"Mark, look at me and answers"

"Hm..... "

"With how much girls?" Haechan was starting to get annoyed

"Look baby, I- , I kiss a few girls while we're dating but they came on me, I-i...-" Mark still didn't look Haechan in the eye

"-so.... The girls kiss u first.." Haechan said

"Am... yes?"

"And u kiss them back?"

"No...well...yes but-"

"Can u please stop, it's getting fucking annoying hearing u trying to defend yourself" Haechan snap back

"Baby please" Mark held Haechan's hand "I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise, please don't break up with me"

Haechan thought it would be hard to break up with him but hearing his excuse made him mad

"Don't touch me!" Haechan pulled his hands away from Mark "u really think that was a good excuse?! Mark don't talk to me ever again!" Haechan then walked off, trying to hold in his tears

"I can't believe I dated that jerk" Haechan thought

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