⚠️ Chapter 7⚠️

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"Jaemin just gave him his number like it was NOTHING"

"Ohh Jeno u think that was bad, u didn't see how he was flirting with my boyfriend!"

"I think u guys are overreacting" Johnny said

"NO WHERE NOT!" they both yelled

"Jeez, I'm just saying and didn't Haechan break up with u"

"Yeah so what! Were going to get back together"

"U better, because of u i can't talk to Jaemin!" Jeno shouted at Mark

"I was going to talk to Haechan today but he was busy with that tall idiot, he won't leave him alone"

"Yeah of course, he's suppose to be around the new kid for a while" johnny said

"Well what u want me to do?"

"After he's custom with the school he'll leave Haechan alone and then you'll talk to him"

"Johnny that won't work, Haechan and him was childhood friends, I think they will stick with each other" Jeno said remembering the conversation

"I have my last class with Haechan in the evening, I'll talk to him then" Mark said, determined to talk to him

*Haechan pov*

"I'm so tried, I wanna sleep" Haechan said as he fell on top of his bed

"Don't u dare fall asleep, we have an assignment to finish" Renjun said

"Aghh, fineee"

"Haechan there is something I wanted to ask u about Sungchan" Jaemin said putting his bag down

"Yeah actually there is something I was wondering too" Haechan said, he found something kinda weird

"Well I wanted to know" Jaemin jumped on top of the bed "if u guys like each other"

"What! No.... way... He's my friend, how did that even come up?"

"Oh don't play innocent, u both were flirting with each other"


"WEll u betTer kEep yOur grAdes uP becAuSe u caN't leaVe mE agaIn" Jaemin mocked

"DoN't wOrRy I wOn't lEaVe u"

"Not u too Renjun!!"

"Sorry but Jaemin is right 😅"

"Well that's not want I wanted to talk about, I was thinking about how did Sungchan know my name was Haechan?"

"What u mean?"

"When I was younger I didn't had that name so when Jaemin said 'Haechan' how did Sungchan know it was me?"

"Well.... maybe because how Jaemin said 'Oh well how about Haechan's style, did it change' he was referring to u so he probably guess" Renjun explain


"And he did ask about it after"

"Yeah he did but as I was about to ask he just....... Idk"

"I think you're overreacting" Jaemin said

"Me too"

"Yeah maybe, well we should start out assignment"

*Sungchan pov*

"I'm home" Sungchan said "Kun, are u there?"

"Yeah I'm here, how was school?" Kun said as he came out from the kitchen

"It was great! I finally got to talk to Haechan in so long" Sungchan said like a girl who just fell in love

"U were able to control yourself, right?"

"A little bit"

Sungchan never went boarding school, he was always with Haechan but he never noticed

Sungchan backstory is one day Haechan and Sungchan was playing over at Sungchan's parents house, Kun and Ten was watching them, Kun and Ten wasn't dating there were friends, so that's how Haechan and Sungchan got to see each other a lot

Ten and Haechan was leaving but Sungchan started to act up, he cried and beg for Haechan to stay but everytime Haechan comes over he does that so it was normal, so Ten left

But this time he couldn't stop crying and begging, Kun tried to calm him down but couldn't. He started to get worried after Sungchan started to yell help, he can't stop himself from behaving like this

Kun was training to become a doctor at that time so he realized that Sungchan was having a panic attack

After that, Kun got some medicine for him but Sungchan kept saying he needed "Donghyuck"

The story got dark from here

Kun took Sungchan to see a therapist and she said that who ever the boy is Sungchan can't keep his distance, meaning he's too obsess over Haechan

Kun didn't want to scare Ten or his family saying that his brother needed Donghyuck so the only way for Sungchan to get over Donghyuck was to keep the two away from each other

But......That wasn't the dark part

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