orientation day

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I started taking my luggage into the 10c-31 house and the only problem that i had there was i have no pillows and the first person that i saw in the house was a girl wearing pink t-shirt with skinny pants. She looks like kind of chineese face and she's wearing a glasses. But for the first time i felt embarrassing before introduce myself to her, she suddenly laugh at my bag that accidently tore because of the things in it is full.

My cheeks get so red then i started to walk fast to my room eventhough the bag was so heavy. After i came out from my room,i tried avoiding the girl's eyes because i still feel embarrass towards her. Then, her father approach me and ask if i understand the language that commonly used by old folks. So, i said that i understand a little bit. After i had take in all my luggage and things in my room i went back to the office.The receptionist there said that there will be a meeting with all the new student nursing at 2pm. The time while i was there still 12.30pm,so while waiting, my parents and i went to shopping my things at the nearer shops there. At the shopping centre i saw one of the parents of my housemate but i don't know her daughter's face looks like because i only saw a few of my housemate's parents only and not the housemates.

After finish buying my stuffs, my parents take  me to a restaurant. Then,after a few minutes resting we went back to the office. The principal of the residental college was giving a speech and also tell us about the rules and regulation in the residental area. The worst part for me there was that after one week staying there,the nursing student have to find place to eat or buy food from the restaurant near by. We were not allowed to cook at our house,if they find out that the nursing were cooking in the house they will take away the things we use to cook. What a sad life for me and the others. After the meeting had ends, the senior came and tell us that at 6pm the junior must be at the cafeteria. We had orientation with the senior.

When my parents started to leave me and went back home, i lock myself in the room. I feel so pathetic plus the other parents were still there with their daughters. I can't open the door because i was too awkward and too shy to face the other housemates. So, i just keep silent in the house with my serious looks. At 5.30pm i started taking my towels out from my bag with all my shower stuff and went to shower. The parents were still there and when they saw me went for a shower,one of the mothers with short and brown coloured hair ask me if i'm not scared to be alone in the room,then i said that i used to it already then i went into the bathroom. The bathroom was small with the toilet in it. In the house,there were three bathrooms. One of the bathrooms is in the master room and the other two of it were at downstair and upstair.

When the parents were gone already,the four of the housemates had already be friends to each other while me, i've hardly move my lips to say a words. Obviously,that i'm the silent one among them and they also can't speak any words to me too. So, i feel really really sad from the start and my mood is not very good plus when they sit together two by two and i'm the remaining one, i had no choice but to sit in the back of four of them. I get too gloomy and i look around me, everyone was playing with their phones. My phones was too old and i feel shy to take it out to play it. Then, i look at my side there is a girl with same religion with me wearing a black clothes and i tried talking to her and it goes very well. I ask about her age,where she comes from and what is her school name. I also ask her why she likes nursing course. We started getting along and she was the first person i think as a friends.

At 7pm,the senior were giving us food to eat. My container full with rice that i had to barely finish it by myself and i feel like i want to throw up after finish it. After rest a few minutes,the senior started a game for us. They teach us a new dance and one of my housemates wearing black shirt with a long curly blonde hair had been drag out to show us the dance with the other five students. She was so shy but her face showed that she had no feelings towards dancing in front of the 58 people.

Next game was we had to do what senior want us to do while 5 of our friends will be giving speech in front of us. One of the five of them was my other housemates. She is wearing a brown t-shirt with ponytail and while she was giving a speech,the senior giving us the signal to 'boo' her. I saw that she started to shaking and her voice sounds like she's gonna cry but she tries to calm down herself. The funny things was i still don't know my housemates names at that night while playing games. But then, the senior want us to introduce ourselves and state the reason why we're joining the course.

At that time,i started to know my housemates names. I still remember my housemates name Rashell,that the reason she's joining the course was because she likes the job that using uniform and one of it was nurse. She likes the nurse's uniform and my senior make a weird look and ask her if she seriously like the white uniform because the uniform can easily get dirty from somewhere else. Then, she replied it that she really liked it. The other three of the housemates, i can't hardly remember or hear clearly their names but i tried to know it through chatting with them in the house.

At 11pm all of us had to go home except the romance catholic people because the senior will be giving briefing about how they going to church. Then,it left me and one of my housemates that wears green shirt and she is kind of chubby but the way she asking me some questions was cold. So, i thought that she doesn't like to talk with me and while i look at her to answer her questions,she never once look at me and just facing down at the road we were walking. In my mind says that it's gonna be hard to be friendly with this kind of girl. So i let it be.

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