School day, far from them

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Today was my first day to school and also a tired day for everyone in my batch. We went to our school by walking from our hostel and the place were not very far but still some from my batch rather drive car from hostel than walking. The sun was above our head and it's too hot to walk. Everyday before class start everyone were soaked with sweat but fortunately our shool had aircond so whenever we came to class we quickly turn on the aircond. My batch had this kind of routine whenever they come to class that the boys will start spraying their body with perfume and the girls will go to the toilet and do their make-up. When going to school my housemates and I always be the last one coming to school and we always get the sit with no place to put your notebook whenever you want to write a note. Honestly, i'm the earliest one among my housemates to wake up in the morning and the second one was Clare. Well, talking about the three divas that live with me,the three of them failed to manage their time especially our leader house Miss Natalia. She was the late one among the three,the second one was Rashell and the third one was Yvettly. I wait for them for over half hour plus i had to wait again for them to finish their breakfast and after that we went to the cafeteria to buy food for our lunch. For a few weeks i had to bare waiting for the three of them so, i decided to find other friends that always come early to class to join them and it leaves an awkward respond from my housemates.

Then, i started to walk away from my housemates and we started to have a really awkward conversation between my housemates and i. Each day i can feel that i'm where too far from my housemates already and whenever they went for a movie night,they always go by four. Actually i want to join them too but i guess there were not enough space for me in the car to join them so i just say i'm not in a mood for movie. While they were out at night i went to other house to have some chat with them and they were about to go out too. So, i join them but i don't really feel fun going out with them because they were not my  housemates. When i come home at 12am, i can see that they were really having fun without me. I can feel that i'm jealous and in the same time i feel sad but i just let the time cure my heart. Hmm~

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