Oh Oliver-

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In all of Oliver's ten years of living has he never felt more scared for his sister, now it's not like she was ever mean to him no- she's actually his (and everyone else's) favourite sibling. It was just this fear was less for himself and more for her. He knew his sister well enough, but as he ranted about his favourite game it completely slipped his mind about how competitive she could get, Practicing something for hours on end not just because she wanted to get better, she just liked to compete (and also loved picking up on new skills).

So here he was watching his sister climb up the stairs looking tired but undoubtedly excited, as he sat in his chair with almost everyone else in the family.

"Alright," Olivander began looking over at all of his younger siblings, this made Oliver shrink in on himself seeing the knowing glint in his older brothers eye's as he looked directly at him.

"What is it this time Oliver?" The older asked, brushing off Oliver's scrawl.

"Who said it was me?" Oliver hissed out defiantly, unable to keep eye contact with Olivander's disappointed look, glaring into the ground. The brunette let out a sigh, and shook his head, covering his eye's with his hands, elbows on the table. "No one is angry Oliver, and no one blames you, she always finds one thing or another to lose sleep over."

The younger rolled his eye's, "then why did you look at me like that?"

"Mainly into intimidating you to tell me what you told her, but that obviously didn't work."

Oliver scoffed, "Obviously not." The older boy couldn't help but crack a grin at Oliver's actions, his smile ended up spreading even wider when he heard everyone re-start their chatter again, and caught a few whispers at how they themselves were intimidated. Oliver glared at Olivander, having caught some of the chatter. "Are you sure about that?"

The younger brunette rolled his eye's like the edgy ten year old he was, making his older brother snicker only to burst out laughing when rolled his eye's for a third time. "But seriously, what's got her all hyped up this time?" At his words Oliver slumped into him self and lowered his head in shame, "minecraft."

Olivander's eye's widened, "you mean the game?" He received a nod, "with little limitations?" Another nod, "That has countless of people playing, all of which have different skill sets?" Once again a nod, "some of them being unbelievably good?" The only answer he was given this time was silence, which was plenty answer enough.

Olivander let out a grown, "why couldn't she be a little less competitive like the nine of us?"

The table burst out in snickers, " 'cause she isn't like the nine of us, or even like Tom, Elijah, or Liam, heck even dad, she's just like mom." Oliver said, making his older brother grown even louder, "look's like we're in for a rough one boy's

she won't finish

until that game is gone."

Olivia here! ¬¬_)/

I know this chapter is kinda short (and lame) but I might have dived into this book head first with no plot, just an idea for a character.....FUN! ;-;

But I will try to update this book twice a week, I don't really have exact days for the publishing, so keep your eye out! 

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