About Me/Prologue

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Hola. My name is South White. I am 17 years old and I live in a rock. Yeah you heard it. A rock. Sucks to be me. I used to have powers but my evil dad drained them and took over the planet. I live with my sisters West, North, and East. I also live with my mom Sierra and Gamandar the house pet whom about a year ago was turned human and now my older sister West has this HUGE crush on him yada yada yada. Anyway, I guess it would be a good time to explain myself. I was an Earth bender. Then the whole evil dad thing happened. My clothes are the same every day. I have a closet full of them. I bet you would be guessing that I'd get tired of wearing the same thing everyday for the past year. Nope. I actually kinda like it. Go figure. The food we eat everyday is different though. Normally we get cereal and milk for breakfast, sandwiches and subs for lunch, and meat and salads for dinner. We get these things in a drawer Sierra calls the "Food Box." I like it. East thinks it reminds her of The Maze Runner. Almost everything reminds her of a specific book, yet somehow I'm the nerd of the family. The geek. The smarty pants. East is the drama queen. The innocent one. The comical type. West is sarcasm central. She has a small temper. She is actually happy that she can hug North now because when they had their powers, they couldn't even hold hands. How sad is that?! North is the adventurous type. She is a dreamer. She is really super nice. Now I guess I'm done telling you my life story. Let's begin this journey. I hope you stay for it.

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