Break Out

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The mutant bear was right on our tails (no pun intended). We kept running until we finally found a spot to hide. "What are we gonna do?" East asks panting like a dog. Sierra shrugs. "I say we find a giant hole in the wall where we can jump out and as soon as Gaston morphs into Gamandar, we get on him and fly away." We look at her blankly. "Sierra, where are we to find a giant hole?" East asked her. "We can always just have me morph into my Gamandar self and just-" Gaston was cut off by another roar. "Run!" West yelled. "What does it look like I'm doing?!" North yells back. Gaston heads for a dead end and stops. He quickly shape shifts into a dragon and motions for us to get on his back. We hesitated. Another roar. We hopped on his back. He started to fly. And he crashed through the wall. With a big wince, he flies us to the top of a flat building and morph back. He touched his head and winced once more. He let his hand go and it was bleeding. Sierra pulled out a little pack of tissues and tossed them to Gaston. He caught them and used them as bandages. "Are you ok?" West asked. "Um yeah. It hurts like heck though." he said attempting to put a smile on his freckled face. But he sighed. "Maybe we should take a break." North suggested. Sierra looked at the building and saw Malden. He started running down the hall. "He's going to come for us! Let's go I know the perfect place!" She cried. We all followed her and opened up a door and ran down the steps and into the elevator. "Is it a working elevator?" North asked. "Only one way to find out." I said. The door closed and West pushed the ground floor button. We stood there awkwardly for about a minute as elevator music played. Once the door opened, we ran out of the building. Sierra ran to an alleyway, we followed. Malden found us and came toward us. "End of the line." He said. "Might as well surrender now." The mutant bear followed behind him. I was so scared. It was like I've been running from what has already caught me. I was as scared as the others, but then West looked a little more confident. "You forgot one thing." She said. "Oh and what is that?" Malden asked sneering. "We have a flying dragon." She said and nodded at Gaston. The bear attacked but Gamandar was too quick. "Get on! I'll hold off the bear." West yelled. I got on Gamandar and she did her best to defend herself, but she was still human. The bear knocked her into a wall and she fell unconscious. Gamandar picked her up and held her with one claw as he flew. He reached back and gave Sierra her daughter. "Thanks." She said. Gamandar nodded, and kept flying.

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