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It started like any other day in the rock. I woke up seeing the rays of sunlight shine through the crack. I am always the first one up. The sun is my alarm clock. One that you can't turn off. I walk to the box and open it. Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. One I particularly enjoy. I eat my cereal with milk as Gaston walks in. "Morning Leafy." he says while stretching. He is referring to my eyes. The makeup has leaves on my eyes so that his nickname for me. Our makeup never really came off. It never smudged or washed away it's almost magic.... "How's it going dragon boy?" I say. He rolls his eyes and sits down. "What's the breakfast this morning?" He asks me. "Honey Nut Cheerios." I say and stuff a spoonful of those yummy things in my mouth. North comes in and groggily plops down next to me. "You snore ya know that?" She says half asleep. "Not my problem." I say back. Sierra and East come in and grab breakfast. "Good morning my family." East says over dramatically. Gaston North and I slowly clap reluctantly as she bows with the milk in one hand and a bowl in the other. West slowly came into the room and sat next to Gaston who smiled at her. Sierra pulled her seat in between them and smiled at West. "Good morning sweetie." She said. North and East giggle at West. I push my glasses up and push a strand of hair behind my ear as I eat my last spoonfuls. "So what's on the agenda for today?" Sierra asked whoever could answer. "Stay alive, hope Malden doesn't find us, and don't eat the rest of the bacon from yesterday." East said pouring milk into her cereal. "What a beautiful speech." Gaston said sarcastically. "Sure." she said. I finished my breakfast and put my things away. I climbed up the ladder and sat on the rock. I touched my tree medallion. I looked at what the world became. Nothing. That's what it was. Nothing. I stood up, patted my dress a little, and jumped down again. "Went for a walk did ya?" West said. I shrugged. She shrugged back. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "So what now?" Gaston said. "Dunno, how about we talk about the meaning of life?" Sierra suggested obviously being sarcastic. "Hide and go seek it is then." he said. West laughed. "Yeah why not, I could go for some fun." And that was that.... I guess.

South (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang