Meeting them

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Hi , my names Sania Marshal Mikealson... yes I know my family is the 'originals' but I'm not like them I well am unnatural in many ways then others. I am a quadrib - a witch, werewolf , banshee and a vampire.

One week later

I have finally arrived at Hogwarts and let me tell you it's massive!
I am really nervous because on the way to the head masters office I got stares... do they know who I am?
" come in miss mikealson" dumbledor said as she opened the door.
" your old headmistress Miss Caroline Salvatore Forbes gave me a wonderful report on you, "Would you like to follow me into the great hall my dear?" "We need to get you sorted in your house!"
I felt the exit meant building up inside me I was so excited!
I got to the door of the great hall and dumbledor told me to wait in a room outside the hall.
I heard dumbledor announce that they had a new student come and seconds after I heard whispers I used my vamp hearing to hear some of the girls saying how they thought my dad was hot and sexy! Eww it made me barf.
Minutes after that I was welcomed in to the great hall, all eyes on me, my heels were the only noice in that room. I looked like a badass I probably got that from my aunts and my step aunt Katherine Pierce.

( what sania was wearing ) -

  "Sania please may you take a seat" - a professor called out motioning to a seat in front of everyone

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"Sania please may you take a seat" - a professor called out motioning to a seat in front of everyone.
The sorting hat was placed on my head and it stared to talk shit about my dad so I soon said
" you know what my farther is evil yes but once you get to know his sweet side he's amazing so cut the crap and get to the point!"
" Right okay miss Mikealson, your brave cunning and an amazing leader it better be....."
I got up and walked over to the Slytherin table and sat in between a blonde boy with gorgeous greyish blue eyes and the other boy had light brown hair with chestnut brown eyes, ever since I laid my eyes on them I fell in love!

Minutes later dumbledor announced 'the feast has began!' Everyone started eating but I wasn't in the mood for this food I wanted blood, so I mumbled a spell and a couple blood bags appeared in front of me 'brilliant' I thought to myself and started my feast.

I could feel two pair of eyes on me I turned to my right and I saw the blonde hair boy staring and to my left the brown haired boy was staring as well. So as the bitch I am I said " have a staring problem boys?" They looked so embarrassed so I said "I'm only joking, anyways I'm sania, sania milkel -"
I got interrupted by them both as they said in union "we know who you are"
"I am malfoy, Draco Malfoy." The blonde boy said.
"I'm Aidan riddle" the brown haired boy said.

After dinner, sania is in her dorm she has the biggest one in the girls dorms as her farther and mother are quite Persuasive...

I lied in my massive bed thinking of Aidan and Draco and how there heads will look in between my thighs and realised how horny I'm getting but luckily I remembered to pack my dildo and vibrator for situations like this. I rummaged through my suitcase until I found them. I closed my blinds and curtains and put a spell on the room so no one could here me doing unholy stuff, finally I lie on my bed slip my jeans of and place the vibrator on my clit and turned it on. Moving it up and down and in circles felt so so good! I put a spell on the vibrator so it held it self up and made me feel good then I handcuffed my self down on the bed so I couldn't move. Finally relaxed enough the vibrator stayed on my clit and started moving up and down. I could feel my legs shaking but this felt so magical, whilst this went on I imagined Draco and Aidans tongues going up and down my pussy this thought making me hornier and then it happened I was a moaning mess!
"FU - UUCK!"
"Oh yes mmmm fuck uhhhh"
Soon enough I was moaning Draco and Aidans names
" fuck mmm Draco mmmm Aidan uhhhh fuck UH - Hhh o - o - m - g"
I was to busy pleasuring my self that I didn't realise someone entered my room and locked the door until I opened my eyes to see Aidan and Draco sitting there completely NAKEd! Pumping their hard cocks towards my direction...
how long had they been there?

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