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I had so many questions in my head like 'why did Voldemort want me?' 'Wasn't he after that Gryffindor Harry Potter'
"Earth to sania!" Ava and Kendra shouted
Somehow we were in my dorm with pizza, why have we got fucking pizza? I don't want pizza I WANT BLOOD
"I think we should go to slee -" I interrupted Ava and said
"I'm going for a run" I said and vamp speed out of my room.
I went past everything that I seen and finally I was on the astronomy tower! The crescent moon reminded me of my mum that's what her pack was called, but they are dealing with some business so I can't see her for a while which is a shame because I tell her EVERYTHING!
Two hours later:
I was staring at god knows what when I heard little footsteps behind me I turned around to see an animal
"What are you doing up here?" I asked it
Then it clicked it was the Gryffindor Ron's rat Scabbers.
I turned around and just stared into space when I heard someone shout "CRUCIO" 
it felt like a million daggers stabbing into me.

Then it went black.

The love story of a broken soulWhere stories live. Discover now