two: gimme what i want

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A/N: Surprise! I couldn't wait. This was supposed to wait until Friday, but my self-restraint is the worst. Actually god-awful. Think of it as a reward for your patience. I'm aiming for biweekly (so every other weekend) updates from here on out, but we'll see...

So much Beta love to Almondmilkteadoubleboba, LeilahMoon, and lost_poet.

Also: 'Spill the Tea' is a 90's phrase. You can google it. If there are any comments about how it's a 'modern phrase' they will be deleted :)




Granger was absolutely infuriating to live with. Completely and utterly the worst roommate he'd ever had, and he'd lived with Blaise and Theo for years.

She left dishes in the sink, took too long in the bathroom, and generally put off all of her cleaning until the weekends. Draco, who was used to having house-elves pick up after him his entire life, wasn't used to living in such a mess. For fuck's sake, she had magic on her side - that made everything ten times easier.

But no. Part of him thought she did it just to spite him because she knew how crazy it drove him.

She, of course, insisted that that was not the case, and 'the world doesn't revolve around you, Malfoy.' He'd wanted to throttle her.

And then, he was still dealing with that mind-blowing realization from the other night. Draco had no idea how long he'd had some kind of a thing for Granger, but the amount of tail-chasing he was doing in his mind was going to drive him into the ground.

The straw that broke the camel's back was placed the morning after their conversation, and things had been strangely peaceful in their dorm. Naturally, it only lasted all of thirteen hours before the fighting started up again. This time, though, it lacked the biting edge that it'd had for the better part of their schooling.

"Granger," came Draco's drawl. "Are you ever going to get to this?" he asked, motioning in front of him at the full right side of the sink.

She was in the common room and only half-heard him. "Hm?" she asked, and when he opened his mouth to repeat himself, she continued with, "Oh, yeah, eventually." She waved it off like it wasn't annoying as all hell.

He grit his teeth, fighting against a biting retort. "I'll rephrase," he started, cocking an eyebrow. "Will you get to this now?"

She scoffed, still not looking up from her book. "No. Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?"

"Granger, you are a witch, right?" Draco asked, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms in front of his chest as he posed the leading question.

"Yes..?" she said, confused and still only half-listening as she flipped through the pages of her book.

"And... you're in possession of a wand, correct?" he pressed on.

She caught on. "I'm not using magic to clean up, Malfoy," she said, rolling her eyes.

His hands flailed in the air, trying to capture his irritation. "Why the everloving fuck not?" he complained.

"I like doing them the Muggle way. It's therapeutic."

Well it wasn't like he could argue that. So, he let out a giant huff instead and loudly stormed over to sit across from her. "You're so irritating," he muttered under his breath, half-hoping she hadn't heard it, half-hoping she had so she would go do the bloody dishes.

"I'll bargain with you," she said, still not looking up at him. "If you can say one nice thing about me - and mean it - I'll go do the dishes right now."

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