"You Did It"

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"You Did It" molly said after i did 100 skips on my skipping rope. Mom than called me in for dinner and i knew since it was dark i wouldn't be allowed out after so i said my goodbye to molly and told her i will see her tomorrow. I went in and while eating dinner with my family i told everyone that i finally did 100 skips on my skipping rope.
                       Life was easy as a 6 year old nothin much ever really happened same shit different day. Life was like this since i can remember nothing much ever happened.
                          My best friend is molly we go to school together and live next to each other i spend all my time with her and i couldn't imagine doing anything without her. That changed when we went to secondary school though she went to the all girls school and i went to the mixed school we still lived next to each other though. We still hung out when we could but we had both made so many new friends and never really had the chance.
                             While in 1st year i had a few good friends but one we were attached at the hip if i was coming so was she than we got in a huge fight and didn't even talk, we could barely look at each other in classes. After a while we got over everything that happened but we weren't half as close as we were and we both knew we were never gonna be.
                             I had many boyfriends come and go over the years and i would fall in love with each one but i wouldn't take heart break easy, it usually ended up with me smoking my problems away but it wasn't ever any harm to me so i thought anyway. There was a few times i nearly died one being the time i drank way to much and stopped breathing another i took too much of a certain white drug. Both were scary situations and scared my friends and family but it never bothered me.
                               Many of my friend were concerned about me and my mental health when summer would roll around and they would see my arms and the fact that i would barely eat any time of the year and i always lived like it was my last day but you couldn't talk to me about my mental health because i was usually high or drunk and would tell u to "shut up about me and live your life" "don't worry about me i can handle it". One line i always said and heard was "You Did It" we would always say it to each other when we would do something we wanted to do for a long time or anything good.
                                    There was always drama as you could expect from a group of teenagers but it was fun. I never really got myself involved but i would make sure i knew everything going on and who was saying what. Than we would all laugh about it after.
                                     Life went on and my mental health got worst and worst but i would act happier and happier the sadder i got so my friends wouldn't worry. Eventually one day it would too much for me and i took too much of everything i took different drugs and different drinks and made sure to od on them all and than suddenly everything went black and peaceful for the first time in a long time.
                                  "You Did It" molly said looking over my grave while it was still freshly covered in dirt and mud while everyone still standing around crying "You Did It".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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