Chapter 17

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"Something about you, it's like an addiction
Hit me with your best shot honey"

(Killers POV)

(1 month later)
As soon as Lia told me she was pregnant, I was over the fucking moon. I've always wanted kids, but I wasn't sure I was ever going to have them. I've always told myself that I will never have kids unless it's with the woman I plan to spend the rest of my life with, and that's Lia. I never doubted that it was Lia, I've been obsessed with everything about her since the day I met her and I honestly wouldn't change a thing. Since I've met her, things have drastically changed, but for the better. And I can't wait until I've finished getting everything set up, so I can finally ask her to marry me. I was going to propose to her but she ended up getting kidnapped. And where she got back, I wanted to make sure that everything was sorted out before I did. And finally Russo was killed last week, Lia left the Mafia to a trusted family friend and now everything is perfect so now we can move on and finally be happy together in peace.

For the last week I've had all of my men running around, getting everything that's needed for the party, and at the end of the night, Lia will hopefully be my fiancé, and I can't fucking wait.

"Hey prez." Runner says, poking his head through the door. "Everything is set up." I visibly relax knowing that everything is done. "Thanks Runner."

Leaving my office I make my way upstairs to my room, to find Lia in the sexiest dress I've ever fucking seen. It's a tight black, strapless dress that almost looks like a second skin, bringing emphasis to the little baby bump that has started to show. "No fuckin way." I tell her. I don't think I can handle all the eyes that will be on her. I watch as she spins around and glares at me. "Excuse me, I'm your woman, not your fucking bitch. I'll wear whatever the fuck I want." She sneers at me, her pregnancy hormones all over the fucking place, and honestly, it fuckin scares me. One minute all she wants to do is cuddle and love all on me, and the next she wants to fucking kill me.

"Please get changed baby, you know I don't like men lookin at you, and it's fuckin impossible not to when your wearing a dress like that." I plead, concerned about both the men who will be fuckin looking at what's mine, and the major blue balls that I'll having for the rest of the night.

"There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing, and everyone knows and I'm yours. And even if they don't, they can all see the fucking baby bump." She argues. "Fuckin hell Lia, do you honestly not know how fuckin sexy you are? And fuck, that dress really ain't helping baby." I groan, getting harder by the second. "I look sexy?" She asks me with teary eyes.

"You always look sexy baby." I tell her, grabbing onto her hips and pulling her into me. To emphasise my point, I grind into her a little showing her exactly what she does to me, making her moan.

"How long until the party?" She asks with a sultry smile on her face. "About an hour." As soon as the words have left my mouth, the sexy little minx attacks my lips, whilst unbuckling my belt.


After a few hours the party is in full swing, and I'm sitting outside talking to my brothers, nursing a bear with my woman sat on my lap. Everything is fucking perfect, just one thing I've got to do to make things even better. Sitting Lia down, I get up and stand in the centre of the compound before whistling.
Once I've got everyone's attention I speak.

"Things have been a bit rocky for the last few months, but we've pulled through like we always do.
Now that shit has finally been sorted there's something I've got to do."

"Lia can you come over here." I shout. I watch as she walks over with a cute little confused expression on her face. "As most of you know, Lia, my old lady is pregnant with our first child." I say, getting loads of cheers in return. "Before the baby comes, there's something I want to ask." I say before getting down on one knee, in front of Lia, the love of my life. I watch as she looks at me in shock.

"I knew you was fucking made for me the day that you walked on in here covered in blood, looking as sexy as ever after killing loads of men." I say with a slight chuckle, making everyone laugh.

"Or how you was able to best my men, I've been a goner from the fuckin start. I've literally been fucking obsessed with you ever since. I love you Lia, so fucking much that it almost killed me when you was taken. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, making memories, staring a family with you. So will you do me the honour of marrying me?" I ask her, holding out a silver diamond ring. I watch as she sobs and jumps into my arms before pulling me into a hard, mouthwatering kiss, making me as hard as a fuckin rock.

"Is that a yes?" I ask her, hoping it's a yes.
"Of course it's a fucking yes. I fucking love you." She says making me smile, the biggest fucking smile in my life. I pick her up and spin her around, hearing everyone cheer.

After an hour of congratulations and people telling us how happy they are for us, I pick Lia up and bring her to my room, needing to be inside my fiancé.
Fuck, I can't stop saying it, I'm just so fucking happy.
It's a dream come true, and I honestly couldn't ask for more, everything is perfect.


One chapter left guys and then this book is finished. And I know that this wasn't exactly the cute proposals That most see, but they are bikers so what do you expect. And i still thought it was pretty cute but yeah.

Vote and comment what you think.

And if you want a sequel just let me know and I might do one.

Thanks for reading, byeeee.

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