Part 1: Fight or Flight

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The automatic doors swished open, blasting cool air into your face from inside the airport. You loved the airport; you loved watching all the people, listening to the sound of suitcase wheels against the linoleum floor and going from gift shop to gift shop.

You readjusted your backpack on your shoulder and put your sunglasses on your head now that you were indoors. Observing all the people around you, you noticed it to be a little calmer this morning instead of the usual airport rush. 

Airport security wished you good morning and you waved in reply as you towed your suitcase behind you, reminiscing about your family vacations as a child.

Your parents loved flying and taking trips to the most beautiful places. Both coming from wealthy families and continuing in their parents footsteps, your mother and father could afford all of the best things in life, including travel, and made sure to get you the most experience around the world as they could.

Although your parents were well-off, they were also well respected. Your mother was the CEO of a prestigious law firm and your father was the owner of one of the most well-known fashion industries in the world. Both were well known by the public for their own lives as well as their parents. They raised you to be self-sufficient and bold and work hard for what you wanted and to look well in the eyes of public.

They also always made sure they were aware of your comings and going's. They felt you needed focus in your life, and they wanted you to be successful and not get distracted by the typical teenage and now college lifestyles.

Control was their way of ensuring that you would continue the family tradition of being successful and wealthy.

Because of this you never had any friends, and currently only had one close friend who was the daughter of one of your father's coworkers.

You weren't allowed to spend time with anyone who might discourage you from the ways of your family and the plan your parents had for you. You became closed off and you hid your emotions and true personality; it had no room in your life because was full of expensive vacations and the expectation that you kept the good family image.

It paid off in some ways, you knew how to dress stylishly for any occasion and had lots of experience in cultures around the world. You spoke a few different languages, having practice from travel and your private tutors. You knew proper dining etiquette as well as how to waltz and play piano. In other words, you were extremely cultured and mature.

But you wanted to get away from all of that. The strict travel and fancy restaurants and dinner parties. The private jets and expensive luggage. You wanted the real travel experience of being an ordinary person on an ordinary flight with no family image to uphold. You even wanted to be able to fall asleep on a plane without your mother nudging you awake so you don't crease your clothes.

Although you knew style and fashion from your upbringing, you needed to blend in this time. Airports often had press, and many knew you as the CEO and Fashion Entrepreneur's daughter and the last thing you needed was them uploading pictures on the internet and it getting to your parents.

So to avoid getting noticed, you opted for a lazy, college student look of no makeup, grey sweatpants and a baggy hoodie, along with flip flops and a cheap suitcase you bought at a thrift store; all things you were never allowed to wear outside the house. You even chose an old backpack instead of a purse to minimize the chances of you being recognized.

You glanced around the terminal, looking for a screen with the flight times as well as looking out for the paparazzi. You had a 10:00 AM flight to Key West, the lower part of Florida and had to make sure it was on time.

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