Part 2: A little gold memory

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This was becoming worse and worse by the second. Of all people your dad could have sent, why did it have to be him. You shot up out of your seat, grabbing your suitcase and turning to make a run for it, hoping you could outrun him.

But a voice stops you in your tracks, a voice you know very well. A voice you wished you wouldn't have to hear again.

"Y/n! Please, wait! I'm not here for what you think."

You grit your teeth, and choosing to take this risk, you turn and face the big bodyguard, who also happened to be your ex.

"What do you want, Namjoon?" You glare at him, your heart aching, praying and hoping that it's all just a misunderstanding and you can be on your way.

Namjoon comes to a stop in front of you, looking into your eyes before clearing his throat, looking slightly uncertain about the situation.

"I know that you're not supposed to be here-" he starts before you cut him off.

"Yeah clearly. Have I ever been able to go where I want?" You scoff, feeling fed up with everything at the moment.

"Let me finish," he frowns, not liking being interrupted. "I know you're not supposed to be here, and I know I'm usually supposed to trail you and report back, but-"

"Wait, trail me? My father has you trailing me?" You took a step toward him, raising your voice, not caring who heard you. You couldn't believe your father had him of all bodyguards following you. And the nerve of having him report back, it was embarrassing!

A few people passing by glanced in your direction at the sudden noise, causing Namjoon to uncomfortably nod and smile at them to assure that everything was fine.

He turns back to you and folds his arms across his chest, leaning in a little, clearly losing his patience with being interrupted. "Yes, trailing you." He lowers his voice, "He felt that I knew you best and would be able to protect you completely should anything happen." His eyes flitted away briefly, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable at the confession.

You and Namjoon had dated for 3 years when you were in high school and he was in college. You did your best to keep it a secret from your parents knowing that a boyfriend was already out of the question, much less a boyfriend who was older than you.

Neither of you had talked about your home lives at his request, it never came up anyway and you had no issue with it if it meant that you didn't have to talk about your home life. 

One day he confessed he got a new job as a personal trainer, and it would mean he would become incredibly busy. This surprised you, you both had never spoken about jobs or major life changes and suddenly he presented this information to you.

You didn't press it further, him being a personal trainer seemed a good thing for him, a way for him to let out some of his energy that caused him to frequently break stuff.

But about a year ago you had come home from school, anticipating doing homework before going on a date with Namjoon.

// Flashback //

You barely made it inside the front door when your phone dinged with a text.

You smiled when you saw it was from Namjoon, loving every time you see his name on the screen. But your smile quickly faded when you read the text.

NJ: hey baby I'm very sorry but something came up at work and I won't make it to the date tonight. Try again tomorrow?

You sighed, having a bad feeling about the whole situation. It's not that you didn't trust him, but not knowing much about your boyfriend's personal life meant you actually didn't know what was going on. Besides, this wasn't the first time he had cancelled.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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