Part 1

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It all started with a lot of shouldn't haves and a selca.

Mina shouldn't have let her mother's pestering about her non existent love-life get to her. She shouldn't have remembered how she tried to set up with a different woman every time she went to a family gathering. She shouldn't have lied to her own mother about seeing someone for a few months. But the one thing that she shouldn't have done at all was to ignore Nayeon after the concert.

It wasn't intentional. It wasn't her fault the bunny couldn't stay still in one place, so by the time she'd taken selfie with others and found her again the older girl had changed out of her outfit for the day.

The fact that she didn't take a selfie with Nayeon shouldn't have been noticed by Onces. They shouldn't have been all over social media whining for a Minayeon selca. It shouldn't have irked Nayeon so much she decided to barge into her dorm unannounced to demand an explanation why that she was the only member she didn't take a selfie with.

The timing shouldn't have been this bad. Her mother shouldn't have chosen that exact moment to ask who she was seeing. Mina shouldn't have been startled by the unexpected guest and asked, "Nayeon-chan?" to the pouting girl.

Her mother shouldn't have assumed she was seeing Nayeon. She shouldn't have squealed happily and said, "Always knew there was something between the two of you. I'll see you both at the party then." She shouldn't have disconnected the call right after that.

Mina shouldn't have stood there imitating a fish instead of calling her back immediately and clarifying the miscommunication. But it had all happened and now she was sat in the chaotic Namosa dorm trying to find a solution to this unexpected problem with the other members.

"It could have been worse." Sana tried to inject some enthusiasm into the moody girl who was stubbornly refusing to meet Nayeon's apologetic eyes on her. "You could have flown there by yourself and she'd have set you up with another woman."

Mina shuddered to think about it. The last woman her mother pitched as Miss Right talked about herself all night and ended up groping her arse.

Jeongyeon stretched her legs out on the couch and laid her head on Jihyo's shoulder, "Besides it's just for three days. You can tell her you broke up after you return."

Nayeon lifted a hand in question, "Excuse me? Don't I get a say in this?" Mina liked the older girl, she really did but there were times she wanted to shove things down her throat so she would stop talking. Like now.

Momo chuckled, "Nayeon-chan you're partly responsible for this situation. So no you don't."

Nayeon's shoulder slumped defeatedly.

"Let's get the training started then. Shall we?" Chaeyoung proposed to the quiet pair, throwing her notepad to the side.

Step 1 : Body language

"The key is to act like you're in love." Chaeyoung, the love guru declared, "Little touches, affectionate hugs, side glances, flirty smiles. You see where I'm going?"

Both of them stared at her blankly.

A while later Momo who was at her wit's ends plopped down on one of the chairs carelessly strewn across in their dorm and lamented, "Your mother is going to call your bluff if you both acted like you'd burn if you so much as stood next to each other."

Dahyun nodded her head in agreement. They'd asked them to hug, but they'd hovered around each other instead, with at-least an inch of gap produced miraculously between their bodies. She'd never even known two people could hug like that.

"There's just a week left for the party." Tzuyu flickered her eyes from Mina to Nayeon who were now standing apart from each other with some space for an invisible tenth member, "There's so much work to be done."

It Started With a Selca Where stories live. Discover now