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𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 fairly-rested but aching. The pain in her muscles was brutal enough that when she even tried to roll over in her bed a string of irritation shot up her tender legs. She groaned and buried her face into her duvet—stayed there for a few moments only before forcing herself out of the warmth of the covers. It was still dark outside, and she'd woken appropriately up at her fifteenth alarm, which left her to fall out of bed and half-stumble half-crawl to switch on the bedroom lights. Her hair was a mess and she hadn't planned to fall asleep without taking the locks out of their pigtails, but, well, mistakes happened.

          Despite it all, her eyes were bright.

          She got dressed for U.A., brushed and re-tied her hair. It felt a little bit like a dream, when she adjusted the red tie on her uniform, the fact that she'd had her first day at U.A. just yesterday. It had definitely been weird, but she hadn't disliked it. The fact that she was heading back to the hero school still felt like an illusion that would shatter if prodded too hard.

          She wore shorter grey socks this time, that appropriately showed off the pattern of yellow and green bruises snaking up her legs. (Throughout her time at the hero school, though she was of yet unbeknownst, those would become a common occurrence). "Woah!" Tomomi exclaimed when her older sister walked down the stairs, clutching at her breakfast, multicoloured eyes focused on the splotches of discolouration. "Did you fight a villain?!" It seemed the eleven-year-old was up early today to send Tsubame off.

          A smile stretched its way across Tsubame's lips. Her eyes glanced down at the light contusions rippled over her skin. Little mosaics of Iida's knees and feet and elbows, of the high school track ground; of her first day at U.A.. "No," explained Tsubame as she bent to rub a particularly ugly purpling bruise on her knee, pigtails flopping down over her face, "I tripped over one of my classmates while running track." She couldn't help but grin a little while remembering the ridiculous way she'd tumbled at such a high speed—it had been highly dangerous and extremely painful, but it must have looked hilarious as she rolled head-over-heels and struck the school building. "We were both using our Quirks, so it was super fast."

          Tomomi looked mildly disappointed at the fact that her sister hadn't already battled a villain on her first day, but her face lit up when she heard the word 'Quirks'. "Quirk training already?! Have you practiced fighting? Have you made friends? Is it like all the movies? The manga?! Have you met someone—?!" There was nothing to stop the torrent of words falling from the little girl's mouth as she spoke rapidly, chewing lightly on one of her index fingers as she did so.

š‹šŽš•š„ šŒš€šš˜ š“š‡šˆšš†š’ ,  todoroki shoto  ā½ Ā¹ ā¾Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang