henshiners season 1 episode 1 the start

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On a beautiful planet called cyber earth

A planet that is inhabited by living things that look like humans

These living things are henshiners

Cyber ​​earth is the same as planet earth

There are trees there are cities

But all of that is made of iron

And the difference between henshiners and humans is

Henshiners have a strong physique and energy and intelligence
Which ordinary humans cannot have

Henshiners can eat too

But henshiners can't urinate or defecate

Life on cyber earth is very beautiful

The henshiners are very friendly to each other

There are also henshiners who work like selling food energy weapons and others

The payment system here uses holographic money

But suddenly the energy contained in the henshiners planet suddenly disappears and quickly runs out

The henshiners are also confused about why the energy on their planet is running out so quickly

The henshiners must find the remaining energy on their planet

There are places that have the energy for henshiners

But that energy wasn't enough for the henshiners to survive

The strong henshiners came from a respectable family of 6 brothers named the vrolens giving the rules

Only strong henshiners are allowed to use the available energy

Weak henshiners must become slaves to strong henshiners

If the henshiner is weak it finds energy resting

Then that energy must be handed over to the strong henshiners

If weak henshiners did not want to be enslaved then they should be put to death

However the sister vrolens
Named Dyson
Do not accept the rules

vrolens who were annoyed that his sister denied his will

Vrolens immediately beat his younger brother by using a special weapon given to him by his brother

Another member of 6 brothers

Go straight to dyson

And see the injured dyson

The members of 6 brothers consist of


Tarus couldn't believe that his younger brother was so rude to his younger brother

Vrolens continued to beat his brother with special weapons

The rod battlelozer

And the vrolens betrayed their brothers, including their own siblings

Vrolens challenges his younger siblings to fight for the survival of the henshiners

Vrolens ordered his brothers and sisters

To find a strong army to fight

Dyson and his brothers are looking for henshiners who can fight

And finally met

Dyson named his clan cyber heroes

The clan was led by his older brother dyson
Most trusted brother

henshiners S1 English versionWhere stories live. Discover now