henshiners s1 episode 6 the appearance of henshiners speedblades

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Above the sky, a ship belonging to the destroyzers' crew was flying

Drevil: haha ​​we finally managed to get dyson and sayo
Mr destroyzers will be happy to see this

Cockrochnia: That's right hahaha

A mysterious person in black is watching the movements of the drevils

The mysterious person immediately reported to another mysterious person

Mysterious person: my boss has managed to find the plane belonging to the cyber destroyers

Mysterious boss: good

Mysterious person: boss I can not rest I used to be tired

Mysterious boss: OK, let me give you a day of rest so that I change your position to pay attention to the movements of the drevil's plane

Mystery person: thanks boss

Mysterious boss: but remember never to reveal my identity

Mystery person: ready boss

The mysterious person immediately went out of the forest where there were planes belonging to cyber destroyers

Heading for Jakarta

Suddenly drevil felt something

Drevil: cockrochnia

Cockrochnia: What's up boss

Drevil: I can feel there are 2 henshiners under the plane we are looking for fast !!

Cockrochnia: good boss

Cockrochnia got off the plane and she ran into the forest

To find 2 henshiners

Then the boss of the mysterious person was shocked and ran

Mysterious boss: damn I got caught running away !!!!

The mysterious person seems to be Toni's college friend

His name is Kevin

But the boss Kevin is not yet known who he is

Kevin comes to Tony's grandfather's fried food stall

Back in college Tony and Kevin often ate fried food at Tony's grandfather's shop

Kevin: oh hello tony's grandfather

Tony's grandfather: wow Kevin you happen to be here

Kevin: what's wrong toni grandfather ??

Grandpa toni: wait a minute, grandpa, call his father toni

Toni's grandfather called his father Tony

Grandpa toni: hey mat here

Tony's father: what's wrong

Grandpa Tony: Look at that Kevin, Tony's college friend first

Tony's father: oh yeah hey kevin

Kevin: Yes, Om Rahmat

Tony's father: Do you know where Tony is?  He already disappeared from 2 days ago

Kevin actually knew that Tony was kidnapped by cyber destroyers

But tony lied to his father tony

Kevin: No, my grace and Tony have rarely met each other since graduating from college

Tony's father: oh so uncle confused why my children disappeared
At that time his brother disappeared, now his younger brother has also disappeared

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