henshiners s1 episode 5 the appearance of the cockroach monster

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Jakarta 05:20 am

Tony and Nadia awoke from their sleep

Because of the alarm sound

Nadia and Tony immediately took a bath in a different bathroom

Nadia bathed in the upper bathroom

Tony showered in the downstairs bathroom

After that, after taking a bath, Nadia and toni prepared bread for sale

Nadia and toni bake a lot of bread for sale

After baking the bread

Nadia and toni set up tables and chairs outside for the customers

Then Nadia has opened her shop

It turned out that there was already a crowd

There are fathers, mothers, mothers, children and all ages

Waiting for the bread Nadia sold

Toni and Nadia are busy taking care of this and that

Nadia is baking bread

Toni records customer orders and delivers customer orders

Finally it wasn't until noon

But Nadia and toni already got money

The bread is selling well

There is still some bread left

And there are still many buyers

But suddenly Nadia and Toni find a strange customer

Her voice is creepy

Toni: Welcome to the bakery, what do you want to order

Mysterious customer: Are you a hero in blue clothes and your friend who owns the bakery is a hero in pink clothes?

Toni: eh, I don't understand what you mean by what?

Mysterious customer: oh let me have 2 croissants

Toni: ok 2 croissants have already been noted
Wait a minute

Toni walked over to Nadia

Toni: nadia 2 croissants

Nadia: ready

Nadia took 2 croissants and placed them on the plate

Nadia: here 2 croissants and hot chocolate

Toni: nad that person is weird

Nadia: where?

Toni: That's what ordered 2 croissants

Nadia: why ton?

Toni: He had a chance to ask me you were a hero wearing blue and wearing pink I don't understand what he's talking about

Nadia: what does he mean henshiners

Tony: let's ask him

Nadia: come on

Tony and Nadia go over to the strange customer

And Tony gave the 2 croissants to that weird customer and Nadia gave the hot chocolate

But the strange customer said nothing with scary eyes

Tony and Nadia are very scared

The customer immediately handed over the money and left

Nadia and tony wonder what the customer meant

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