Chapter 25

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Juice spent the day talking to Weston then staking out Zobelle's cigar shop. Things were a bit tense given the Mayans MC were helping Zobelle. Juice had been tasked with Watch duty and had been left with a couple of the Nomads.

Shit was pretty tense there given the Mayans were big rivals of SAMCRO but so long as they kept to their side of the street things would be ok.

The more Juice watched Zobelle through the window the angrier he got. This was the guy who put an order out on his girlfriend. Who threatened her continuously after, with rape. What sort of guy does that. Not that he even committed the act on Gemma but he ordered it.

God as soon as they got their hands on these guys and their crew they were dead.

xxx xxx

Roxy was keeping herself busy round the clubhouse, helping out where possible, to keep her mind off the guys. She didn't know the details of whatever it was they were doing but she knew it'd be dangerous. If not physically dangerous it was definitely bound to be legally dangerous given they were currently out on bail.

Roxy had spent most of the day with Tara who was still super unsure of her place within the club. It made her uneasy being waited on by the Croweaters and Sweet Butts. Not Roxy though, she'd been used to this treatment her whole life. Given her relation to the club she had always been given a certain respect. However that respect was changing slightly now she was with Juice and on her way to becoming his Old Lady. A lot of the crow eaters liked Juice, he was known as a good lay, and although he didn't carry an office title within the club he was younger than the others and easy on the eyes so he had been hot property among them for some time. Roxy had never been a threat to the eaters or sweet butts before as she genuinely hadn't been interested in that part of club life so as a result she was off their radar. Now though she had taken a popular club member away from them and so she was receiving the cold shoulder.

Gemma, Tara and Roxy had just been given some coffee by one of the crow eaters and Gemma was schooling Tara on her place in the club.

"You too Roxy. They know your position demands respect. They're just huffy you've taken Juice away from them. But don't let em get away with pissy behaviour."

"Yeah I know. I don't really care though what they think to be honest." Roxy stirred her coffee.

"Well you should. If they see a chance they'll be all up on Juice again. Gotta remind em who's boss baby."

Roxy responded by nodding and rolling her eyes when Gemma wasn't looking. This was one of the reasons she wasn't interested in becoming an Old Lady. Club politics.

They were distracted from their conversations when one of the guys brought Chucky inside. He'd been burnt slightly and Tara had to spend some time patching him up.

Eventually the club members made their way back in and headed in for Church, Juice giving Roxy a quick kiss on the way in.

When the guys finally came out it was almost dusk and they looked ready to roll.

Roxy managed to corner Juice at his bike for a second.

She slid her arms around his neck. "What are you doing?"

"Meeting Weston and some of his guys gunna sort it out."

"Huh. Sounds ominous."

Juice had his hands on her waist and gave her a squeeze. "Yeah kinda."

"Just be careful yeah?"

"Course. Love ya." He gave her a long, slow kiss before letting go and mounting his bike. "See you later babe."

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