Chapter 17

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A/N: sorry it took so long! I did complete this story like 2 years ago on FanFiction.Net and then decided to upload here and promptly forgot haha.
So thanks for the patience and hope you enjoy!
so here we are at the start of series 2. So this chapter might be a bit upsetting for some. We all know what happens to Gemma.

Also hope you're understanding everything. I don't like explaining every part of the club business and episodes in detail, mainly because we mostly know what goes on from watching the series. But also because at this stage Roxy is still mostly in the dark given that Clay won't tell her club stuff and she's not technically Juice's old lady so she's not privy to all the details. But if you want more detail and context let me know.

Juice woke up with a groan, his head pounding. He could have sworn Roxy was here last night but she wasn't in the bed with him. He looked around his room and realised she'd picked up his clothes and folded them neatly on the end of the bed. Then he heard movement in the kitchen.

After slinging on some sweat pants he made his way down to the kitchen to find Roxy, redressed in last nights clothes making some breakfast.

"How you feeling?" She gave him a once over.

"Ok." He shifted on his feet. "Sorry about that last night." He moved over to give her a kiss.

"It's ok. Like I told you the other night you can talk to me about this shit. Instead of downing a bottle of tequila." She wrapped her arms round his stomach and squeezed.

"Yeah I will."

"It's up to you how much you tell me about club stuff. I know how that works. But just remember I'm a big girl I can help you."

He chuckled. "Sure thing. Guess we'll find out today how it went. And how much of a pussy your dad thinks I am."

She motioned for him to sit at the table and served up the bacon and eggs."

"I'm sure he doesn't think that. He's just an ass sometimes. Especially if he and Jackson are butting heads."

"Probably best we leave telling him on the back burner a while longer. Till I'm in his good books again."

Roxy shifted in her seat and reached out to squeeze his hand. "Sure. Whenever you want to. I know when they do find out they'll be nuts anyways. So I don't wanna pressure you into that just yet."

He smiled and nodded in agreement before finishing his breakfast.

xxx xxx

Donna's funeral was beautiful. But tense. Sitting next to her mum and Wendy in front of her dad Roxy could feel the tension between Tara and Wendy. Tara was sitting in front of Juice, who spared Roxy glances from time to time to see how she was.

When Jax eventually showed up Tara took his kutte from Juice and went to Jax, kissing him for all to see.

Roxy rolled her eyes slightly. This was not the time for such a strong statement and she could feel Wendy tense next to her.

Juice caught Roxy's eye knowing the drama this would most likely cause. She just gave him a facial shrug and turned back to the minister.

xxx xxx

The three weeks following Donna's funeral had been slow. Opie had gone for a ride to clear his head, needing some time away from everything. And although the case against Bobby was thrown out, due to the 'disappearing' witness, ATF were holding him for the allowed time in case they could re build the case.

Juice was relieved when Jax let him know that the witness wasn't killed and it put his mind at rest.

So today he thoroughly enjoyed testing out the new guns and just relaxing back into their regular outlaw routine, which thankfully didn't involve killing too many people. Juice wasn't innocent when it came to breaking the law but his moral code did stop at murder and sometimes he found that side of MC life to be a bit confronting.

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