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It was a bit of a late ride when Chris had landed in Afghanistan. He Stepped out of the private plane and saw the bright sunlight of the golden land. He stretched his arms out as he walked down the stairs off of his ride. The first thing he noticed was the cold dry air. It reminded him of when he would go jogging in the morning. It must have been because of how tired he felt.

Chris's clothes did not agree to the sharp chilled air. He wore a dark green T-shirt that had black shoulders and black Jeans. He felt that he should have brought a jacket. Hollywood movies liked to lie about how hot Afghanistan could be.

Behind Chris, he could hear the tacky leather heels of his sister's boots follow him. Much to Chris' chagrin, Claire was not willing to wait in America for Chris to bring Steve back. Plus, after Chris hiding the fact that Steve was alive from Claire, she really did not want to have her brother hide anything else from her, "So why, exactly are we here? You told me Steve was in Chile," Claire spoke softly as she restrained her urge to yawn. She rubbed her eyes and felt the sharp cold chill and had the same situation Chris had. She hugged her shoulders as her thin red sweater did not contain her heat well. Her fitted blue jeans did not help either.

"I did..." Chris spoke up as he walked on ahead towards a basic black car, "But he won't come without a fight. As far as he knows, The BSAA wants him dead."

Claire followed and gave a stern glare at her brother as she spoke honestly, "They DO want him dead, Chris."

Chris glared back and gave a sigh, "Claire, I need you to just trust me on this. This decision I'm making isn't exactly easy."

"Which is why I want to help you. You don't have to make these choices alone," Claire walked ahead and got into the passenger seat of the car. She found it slightly frustrating to know how easy it was for Chris to get his hands on a car that was not even in the same country he was in twenty-four hours ago. She buckled herself up. 

Chris entered the driver's seat and looked at Claire and gave up, "Fine, but I don't want to hear you argue about it. He's the only person who can take Steve in safely."

Claire peak her head into Chris's view, "You really think I can't?" she gave an annoyed tone as if she already knew what Chris might say in response to her sass.

Chris buckled his seatbelt and started the ignition of the rental car and handed her his smartphone. Claire sheepishly took the phone. Chris then adjusted the rearview mirrors and then his seat. He glanced over to Claire only to see her stare at him wide-eyed. Chris stared back in confusion, "...Mm, What?"

Claire's face relaxed into a soft smile and spoke as she looked at the smartphone, "You know... When you got kicked out of the air force, I assumed that you would head back home and visit me in college..." Chris's eyes widened to the memory of being kicked out of the air force. The thought of coming home empty-handed made Chris feel helpless. He averted his gaze from Claire and drove on ahead. Claires finger fidgeted on the glass of the smartphone as she then continued, "So, when you joined some special tactics squad in a small town nearly two states away from home... I was rightfully pissed off. You never gave me your new number, not even an email. You were avoiding me and I knew it. I was planning on visiting Raccoon City before you even told me not to. So, when you told me not to, I was pretty damn determined to know what the hell was going on with my brother."

Chris glanced over to Claire as he focused on driving, "Why are you talking about this?"

Claire gave a soft chuckle and glanced back. Her voice was now soft and gentle, "When you found me on that arctic facility, I noticed the lifelessness in your eyes. Even then, you were different. Acting all gungho already planning to detonate the island all because Wesker was on the island."

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