Chapter 1

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Steve sat hunched over on a wooden chair. He was back here, again. The dark void in his mind. The void where SHE lingers. Steve knew he was asleep and dreaming but the feeling of this intrusion never felt more real. Steve could feel her presence. Like some sixth sense demanded that she was nearby circling him like a predator ready to strike its prey. Defeatedly Steve spoke up, "What is it you want, Alexia?"

Steve rose his hunched head to look around, hoping that this time, Alexia would reveal herself. He scanned the void around him. The void looked as if it was some sort of fog made of a jet black hue as if it would absorb any light near it and consume it into the void itself. Finally, her ear bleeding posh girly voice spoke, "My, my! You have spoken my name for the first time."

At that moment she was revealed to Steve. The perfect pink lips smiled as her blue eyes gave Steve an almost erotic glare. Her pale skin was hidden behind a white silk robe. Alexia's blonde hair curled past her shoulders. She looked older. More mature. The shape of her body adorned much more curves than what he remembered. She would look almost motherly if she did not have that absurd, child-like grin. Steve gave her a firm glare as he spoke, "You look like a hag."

Alexia gently covered her mouth with her wrist as she giggled at his response. She was still very much, the same brat that killed Steve. That much he could tell. Once she composed herself she gave a nod and spoke, "Much to my dismay, it seems that I have aged with you. Your hibernation has left me to wither and age. My assessment is that my consciousness believes that this is what my body would look like at this age."

Steve blinked and froze. He couldn't even breathe the moment Alexia had said the word, consciousness. He spoke softly, "So... You're real. Like, you're not in my head?"

Again, she giggled, "Of course, I am in your head, silly Steve," her giggle ended abruptly, and she gave Steve an evil smile, "That doesn't mean what you see is not real," Steve's eyes widened as he glared with his glowing eyes. She chose this moment to elaborate, "In case you did not realize, I am the queen of my experiments. Because of my beloved Veronica, I have a collective intelligence for my creations. That includes you, Steve. Before I died I chose to transfer my consciousness to the closest BOW that had my blood. You were on the brink of death when I connected with you, but luckily that old man, Albert Wesker revived you. Therefore..." Alexia leaned her head down to face steve directly and showed the brightest smile, "He revived me."

Steve's angered expression softened to a look of sadness and frustration. Before he could even speak she concluded his thoughts, "Mhm! The simple fact that you are alive means that I am alive." She hugged herself in emotional relief as she spoke, practically moaning the words out, "All these abilities. Your blood. How you can heal. It's all because of me."

Steve tackled here. He pinned her to the ground and slammed her head against it. He gripped her neck and squeezed hard. He just wanted to see Alexia in pain. The look she gave. her grin never wavered as she then nibbled the bottom of her lip as her blue eyes stared at Steve, aroused. A feeling of disgust overwhelmed Steve as he backed away from Alexia. He fell back on his bum and spoke in his defeated tone, once more, "Just, what do you want with me?!"

Alexia broke out into laughter the moment Steve's hand left her neck. His question halted her laughter as she sat straight and looked at Steve, "What do I want? Well, it's a simple request," Alexia shifted herself and started crawling towards Steve, "I want you... To continue living," her hands pressed against Steve's knee and thigh as she got closer and closer, "You, my beloved Steve, are the only thing..." her voice softened and whispered into Steve's ear, "...That will bring me BACK."

Steve's eyes shot open as he was laid on his cot. He sat up quickly as he panted heavily. The sweat on his body that saturated his thin blanket told a much more vivid story than what he would admit. 

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