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After the campers arrived two special people i.e. Shane and Annabeth stepped forward with their sword and dagger in their hands respectively and said,"Any last words traitors?" mockingly.Me and my sister glanced at each other and smirked our trademark lopsided smirk, held hands and said "Together Forever" in unison and then we did the most unexpected thing in the world. WE FELL.................

Andromeda POV: 

The last thing before we fell was the priceless expression on Annabitch's face and Shane shouting WHAT THE F**K . After we fell Percy willed a giant wave to sweep us out into the sea and 'apparently ' killing us since we had 'apparently ' lost our control over water and hence giving us a one way ticket to the underworld. While falling I mind messaged Hades to announce our death to the gods.

At Olympus Throne Room, 3rd person POV:

"The hunt has successfully completed it's mission, both the traitors have passed into my realm", announced Hades. After his announcement one could see faces showing satisfaction as well as guilt on some of the olympians. A silver flash marked the arrival of Artemis," They both are dead, fell from a cliff committing suicide ." she said sternly and flashed back to the hunt instantly.

Annabeth POV:

I know that Percy was dense but jumping of a cliff into the ocean when he DOES NOT have his water powers was the height of stupidity, unless he still has his water his father disowned him and Andy so he must have lost them...right?  I asked myself, but anyway who cares he and Andy are dead , I have Shane with me and now I can start with phase 2 of the plan phase 1 being eliminating the Poseidon offsprings. Ahh! the plan let me tell you how it started

Flashback ( 1 month back):

It was a normal day in camp I was teaching new campers to use a dagger when I saw a large number of campers heading towards the Big House saying something about ' a new son of Zeus'. When I reached the Big House I saw lord Zeus with a boy, he was a blonde 5 '10 ,well built and a troublemaker smile. I came to know his name was Shane Schofield and he hailed from Ohio. After a few days he became a good friend of mine I even started to like him, I had used Percy only for fame and power ,I didn't really like him in that way but Shane was different. He was also ambitious , passionate and power hungry like me and was really very intelligent, totally opposite of what Percy was, I was going to break up with him anyway so it didn't bother me to like Shane. He also bonded well with Jason and Thalia. A week after Shane had arrived after I slept at night , I dreamt of  a rocky cavern and form it's end an ancient and raspy voice started to speak,"Ahh...if it isn't the daughter of Wisdom, Annabeth what pleasure do I hold your audience?"."Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked."Who I am is not of importance right now but what I want from you is an  another thing.....I want you to eliminate the Jackson twins.""What!!! why would I eliminate those two???""Now now now I know that you used the sea spawn only to gain power and fame as your thirst for power is ....exceptional to be precise, I also know that you like the Zeus kid Shane and you are cheating on Perseus so it won't be emotionally difficult for you to kill him.","But why..why do you want me to kill them" I asked."You see I was also a great man when I was young and was promised godhood by the Olympians but those pieces of schist killed me instead and so I now plan to overthrow them and rule Olympus....but do not worry I am not going to give you just the pleasure of killing the Jacksons but also a seat on the new council after I kill the gods.I have waited for millennia for this plan to form now I will offer you this once again..kill the Jacksons and gain a seat on the council.". "Fine I will do it but I will need some time to formulate a plan for this assignment." I said after a minute of pondering over his words. "Worry not child I have a plan for you.Their fatal flaw is loyalty, use it against them......turn the camp against him, there will be a few campers who will not believe you as they trust the twins with their lives , even a few of the hunters will agree with you as they also carve for power including their Lieutenant ,the daughter of Zeus will help you. Tread carefully child the task is difficult but not impossible, use your wits and you will succeed. I will visit you again when you complete the assignment. Sleep well."

I woke up sweating profusely from the dream and started to form a plan of action. First I recruited a few campers who I felt will be reliable to share the plan with. By the end of the week  ek Piper,Jason,Shane , Thalia and a few of the hunters were on my side. Then I started to falsely accuse Percy and Andromeda for things like painting the Ares cabin pink, stabbing Shane, burning some of the trees which angered the wood nymphs, planting blueprints of the camp in their cabin to prove the allegiance between them and Gaea . To say the results were interesting would be an understatement, The whole camp select a few loathed them, Poseidon had disowned them and Zeus had ordered the hunters to hunt and kill them. Those idiots had made our work easy by pulling off that suicidal stunt at the cliff.   The gods were happy and  Hades had declared that their souls have reached the underworld conforming that they had died.

(Flashback over)

That night after I slept , I was again confronted by that voice. "Ah it seams that you have succeeded in your mission." it said."Yes , but the romans and a few campers did not believe me..what to do with them?" I asked,"Don't worry the romans will kneel before me after I kill the gods and as for the campers who did not believe you...the can be eliminated in the future also, those kids can't do anything to sabotage our plan. Now , wait for a month or two to let things settle down and then we will move on with phase overthrow the gods. Here, take this locket and whenever you want to talk with me , just hold it and say MASTER , and I will talk with you in your mind."




~Anish Singh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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