Prologue: A Burning Memory

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Welcome to the prologue of "I'm Sorry", I'm really excited for this project, but just a warning, it's gonna be sad because I like to emotionally torture myself and you guys, the readers.

I take constructive criticism well, so don't hold back if this is crappy lol. Now, without further a-do, let's get to the chapter.


The heat was getting too much to bear, it invaded every thought in Eliza's head. It bit her skin as she struggled to breathe, looking around her. Her whole world ablaze.

"Mama! Mama! Help... please!" came the pained voice, and Eliza recognized it immediately. Desperately, her eyes looked around, and located the source of the coarse screaming.

Her son, Philip was standing what looked like miles away from her, the flames around him too. She gulped as she saw the fear in his eyes, the tears streak down his dirty face. Her beloved son started walking towards her, and then he fell, screaming again.

"Philip, no!" screamed Eliza, as Philip called for her help again. Eliza tried to walk, but couldn't, frozen in place. She saw her son squirm on the ground in pain, tears pouring down her own face.

"Mama! Mama! MAMA!" screamed Philip, the flames catching his clothes, slowly engulfing her precious Philip.



"M-miss Hamilton?" whispered a voice in the dark, and Eliza rose from her bed gasping. Her skin no longer burning, she looked around.

She took a deep breath, she was in her bedroom.

"Miss Hamilton, my nose is bleeding," said the voice again. She reached for a candle on her bedside table, and lit it with a match. Before her, illuminated in the warm light of the flame, was Chelsea, blood dripping down from her nose.

"O-okay... Follow me..." said Eliza, exhausted from yet another nightmare.

She sat up, stuffed the half empty whiskey bottle in her drawer and took the hand of Chelsea to go help her. After all, it's her duty as the director of the first private orphanage in New York.

Welp, this is sad... I'm sorry

I'm gonna try really hard to have a chapter out every Friday, so yeah feel free to either DM me or comment any feedback you have. 

I'm gonna warn you now, there was a little bit of a teaser here, but just a warning, alcoholism will be a theme in this story, if you don't feel comfortable reading it, then I'm sorry but this isn't for you. 

I'm so excited for Chapter 1 next week

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