Ashes x Beatrice (Bashes)

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Art by HunterFoxy2 , Lesthanyou (Ashy) is on the right, Beatrice (her OC) is on the left.

One word on how this shippy came to be...


Yea we were just roleplaying and now this beautiful new ship came and so did this beautiful ship name I came up with. *bows*

I hope you don't get too jealous fluffycard cause Beat is just a OC not a real person.

Anyway, what I love most about this shippy is Beatrice having alotttt lotttt of bisexual panics.

Pretty much this is ship is Beatrice having a bisexual panic every 2 seconds and Ashes not knowing what the H E double Leo's katanas is happening.

I love it.

Rating: 9/10

What sounds better? Bashes or Flashes. Let me know. ✌️

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