VI. - Evelyn's Origin Story

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 ‘ “Eevee! Your wings are finally developing, look at that!” a young woman called out excitedly, when she noticed two bumps on her daughter’s shoulder blades. What troubled her was the fact, that the next couple of months were going to be spent by sleepless nights and constant taking care of the child, because developing wings was definitely not a pleasant time in a person’s life. The child looked over at her mother, smiling brightly, in anticipation. Ever since Evelyn learned how to speak, all she could talk about were her wings, and how she wished them to be whiter than the fluffy clouds that ran underneath them, the purest white anyone has ever seen. She wished them having the prettiest of stars, the prettiest of constellations and patterns. She wished them to be stronger than eagle’s, but the feathers still softer than any kind of silk the Aether has had to offer. She wished them to be huge, big enough to carry her to the skies above the Aether.

 When the first feathers peeked out from her back, disappointment settled in within her family. While the child finally felt relief of the worst being behind her, and the excitement grew over her wings growing to be the biggest ones, the adults around her were planning on how to get rid of her. The feathers were not the purest white they’ve ever seen, they haven’t had the pretties pattern in the entire Astronomer’s family tree, nor did the wings have the family’s actual, significant magenta color. In fact, they were pitch black – darker than the night skies, and held the accent color of cyan blue. Her feathers never reflected the pastelle rainbow colors, nor did the ornaments glow in pinks. The child had to be gotten rid of, whether they liked it, or not. She was called the Wither's curse, and according to elytrians, was also very dangerous to any known mankind, believed to hold powers equivalent to dark magic.

 The council has decided the thirteen years old child’s fate – she was to get dropped to the Overworld. For Elytrians, Overworld felt like the worse ever possibility. Their duties couldn’t be fulfilled down there, and their abilities were usually very minimalized. They had to learn everything from scratch, had to face numerous hostile mobs and had to figure out how to survive and protect themselves. Many adults dropped in Overworld died within hours, some within days, and so sending a child with the Wither’s curse down there meant instant death for them. Quick and effective way, to destroy them, and their curse. The Elytrians were one of the cruelest nations ever to live, having no mercy over the one’s with the curse, and unfortunately, even after years and years of changed rulers and monarchs, said cruel tradition remained. ’

“So… why don’t you fly?” the young blond asked, while patching up the girl’s wound carefully, nothing but pure curiosity dripping down his voice. The young elytrian chuckled, flicking her wings a little bit, as if she tried to make sure they still rested on top of her scarred back. She felt as if she’s lost them, when she ran away from the nation, from her family and friends. It felt bittersweet. It's not that long since they started L'manberg and since they came to the city called Dream SMP, yet she was already running away, far from her two brothers and her only friends. Bittersweet, truly.

 “Respect for Will. He’s basically just a human with piglin ears and mostly a useless power, he was the only human like child among us all. I wanted to respect him and refused to learn how to fly. I use my wings for protection only.” She explained, venom lacing her voice at the mention of her heartless brother. Nothing but the thought of his son laced her mind that one night she spent at Punz’s, getting patched up and ready to make her way towards Techno’s house in the snowy mountains. She had talked to Sam a couple of days ago, the man trying to reason with her, but gave up due to her stubbornness. Callahan also tried to make her stay in a completely different way than Sam, but still to no avail and actually settled with helping her get ready. Evelyn found it funny — despite never talking, Callahan has almost convinced her to stay, just by giving her the puppy eyed look he used to get resources from Dream.

 The night fell as quickly as it rose, and the next day, Punz was the one to walk the girl towards the main gates of the SMP, meeting the infamous trio on their way, along with Tommy and Tubbo, who ran over to investigate. The young blond started to talk in his usual loud manner, telling the girl everything that has happened after she left, telling her how something inside Wilbur must’ve snapped, because he left the nation for the whole night and came back scratched up and all cut, probably by some bushes, as he described it. She felt a little guilty for leaving. After all, Tommy and Tubbo weren't the ones at fault, and she shouldn't leave the kids unprotected, but on the other hand, both were wise and strong teenagers. They could handle themselves. “Toms, take care of Fundy, okay? Be safe, I will return soon. If anything happens, please write me a letter and give it to Ant, he will deliver it to me. Don’t bug him too much, though, okay?” The girl smiled gently, the enchanted netherite sword resting now on her hip. Punz and her have customized the leather strap a little bit so it fit around her ribs and waist, and the pouch sat just underneath her ribs, making the sword completely hide under her blue, worn out cape, but still being quite well accessible.

 The two boys nodded, and the younger of the two siblings hugged the girl close, before she bid her goodbyes to the others. She gave a small hug to the mute, who came to at least give his friend a smile, and thanked to Punz, who took care of her and her armor the whole night, preparing her for the journey. She swung her arm, throwing an ender pearl far from the gate, disappearing into the dark oak forests, beginning her journey to find her brother in the cold mountains.

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