Eleven Months Later - Gatsby

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"Hello Jay, please take a seat," the psychiatrist says. I sit in the cushioned chair in front of his desk. He hands me a thin packet of papers.

"What's this?" I ask.

"The patient release information. You're leaving today."

My expression brightens. "Really?"


"As in going home?"

"You've done quite well here. The other doctors and I have talked it over and decided that you're ready. All you have to do is fill out that paperwork and you're all set to go home."

"Oh this is wonderful! After I'm done with the papers can I call Nick?"

"Of course."

I grab a pen from the container on the desk and start on the first page. The questions are information about why I was there, what I'd learned during my stay, who I'll reach out to if I need help in the future, etc.. Of course I write in Nick. He's the reason I pushed myself to get better in the first place.

"I'm done," I say when I've finished.

"Alright. You can use this phone here if you'd like," the psych offers.

Today is Saturday so I type in Nick's home phone number.

He answers almost immediately. "Hello Jay! How're you today?"

"Wonderful! How are you?" I ask.

"I'm alright. What're you so happy about?"

"I'm just excited to talk to you," I say.

"That's it?"

"Sure is," I lie. I want to surprise him by showing up at his house tonight, so I don't tell him the truth.

"I'm excited to talk to you, too."

After about five minutes, I let Nick get back to whatever he was doing. Then I call my house phone to arrange for a ride home.

I go back to my room and pack up my things. When I'm done, one of the nurses sees me out. One of my butlers from home is waiting at the front for me. I get in the car and he drives us both home.

I drop off my things at my house, then I sneak over to Nick's. I knock on the door.

Nick opens the door. "Jay!?"

"Hi Nick dear," I say. Nick jumps into my arms. I laugh and plant a kiss on his forehead. He blushes.

"I thought- I thought you weren't coming back today," Nick says.

"Well here I am."

Nick grabs my face and kisses me. "I missed you so much," he says.

"I missed you too. But now I'm back and we can be together forever."

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course I do, love."

"But we're… We can't…"


"What I mean to say is that we're both men and we can't just-"

"Nick. It'll be okay. We can live together in my house and if any of the staff have a problem with it, I'll replace them with people who won't."

"Are you sure you won't mind having me around?"

"Of course not. You'll be able to keep an eye on me and make sure I don't do anything stupid," I say, winking.

"If you're so sure, let's go."

I take his hand in mine. "Happiness awaits, my dear."

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