Chapter 1 "W-Why...?"

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No pov:
A loud groan comes from under the blanket, an arm sticking out resting on his phone. He slowly pulls his phone up to his face still hiding underneath his blanket.
Hinata's eyes started to close once again until it hits him what time it is. He springs out off his bed sprinting to his dresser while mumbling,
"He's gonna beat me, he's gonna beat me, he's gonna win!"
The small orange hastily grabs his school bag and gym clothes and runs out his room, keeping the fast pace down the hall passing the kitchen.
"Shoyo! Don't run so fast in the house you gonna break something!"
Hinata not wanting to lose quickly yells an apology to his mother while shoving his feet into his shoes.
"I'm going to school now mom! Love you bye!"
Without a second to spare Hinata runs out the door shutting it behind him, slowly footsteps comes to the door and a loud sigh comes from her mouth,
"And you forgot your lunch...."

*Cuts to school gates*
Hinata pov:
I pedal my way up the hill, gasping for air as I have been pushing all the way to school without slowing nor taking any breaks. I smile as I see the school gates in sight. I pedal faster turing into the opened gates riding to the parking area where I normally lock up my bike. I swiftly locked my bike, and then sprinted into the locker room still determined not to lose to Kageyama.
"So far so good..."
I said to myself as I run up the stairs. I pull out the spare locker room key, (they gave the two a pair since they always early or first) out of my pocket and push it into the key hole, twisting the key and knob pushing the door open. I smile to myself, entering the room placing my bag down and changing out of my uniform into my gym clothes.
"Haha I guess I won this time!"
I laughed to myself as I shut my locker walking out the room closing it. I jogged down the stairs, my volleyball shoes hanging by my fingertips as I walked to the gym doors.
As I step closer I hear a ball hitting the floor, then a loud slam from the gym. My head turns in confusion, walking a bit faster closer to the source of the sound.
"God dammit-"
I sigh as I see Kageyama already warming up, he looks up at me smirking at me. Instantly my heart skipped a beat making my face heat up a bit. I rapidly turn around to change my shoes but mainly also trying to have the cold wind hit my face hoping it would cool my face down a bit.
After a minute or so calming down my nerves I turn around entering the gym.
"Hmp- so this makes it 15 to 12?"
I nod my head,
"I'll win the next one stupid kageyama!" I said sticking my tongue at him,
"Tch- ok slow Hinata~"
Kageyama said in a teasing voice, making my heart jump once more.
I turn around grabbing one of the balls hiding my face,
"W-w *clears throat* Whatever, anyways wanna do some sets?"
He looks at me, my eyes avoiding the contact.
"You sure you didn't-"
"Yep I'm good, lets just get started already!"
He rolls his eyes at me nodding,
I smile at him running to the back. I take a deep breath before throwing the ball over to Kageyama, he steps up quickly jumping up to set.
I start to run over to the left before changing direction and run to the other side of the court. I jump up raising my arm up then quickly slam my hand down, making contact with the ball as I slam it straight down.
I land on my back still not use to the speed. I look over at Kageyama smiling,
"How was that?"
He only nods, passing me another ball. I get up grabbing the ball, already feeling sweat settle onto my face.

*few more sets later*
Hinata pov:
"Lets do one more, we need to get ready for class."
I nod walking up to him, another blush comes to my face as I touch his hands on accident as I take the ball away from his hands.
I walk back trying to slow down my heart as I take another breath. I pass the ball to him quickly running soon after, he sees as he swiftly jumps up for the ball. As he was about to set a loud ring comes through the gym distracting both of us. He lands down running over to the phone, the ball landing where he once stand.
I fall down too, running over to him confused.
He never brings his phone into the gym or never had the ringtone that loud before. I thought to myself as I see himself smile and quietly laugh?
I speak up,
"Uhhh-Kageyama, what's up with the phone?"
He looks over at me,
"Right so, do you know number 3 from the female volleyball team?"
"Uhh yes?" I lied, not really knowing anyone outside of my class.
"Well we are kind of talking and found out we have a lot of common..."
I nod scared of what he's gonna say.
"And I asked her if she wanted to grab a bite after practice, and she just accepted!"
My eyes fades a bit, as my heart drops breaking a bit inside of me,
How? Kageyama never really talked about girls. And yet he looks so excited about this one, he seems so happy... I never seen him like this...I never seen him look at me like that before...I never heard him talk about me that excited before...I never made him feel like that before...
I look up smiling, trying to hide my pain.
"Oh- thats cool! When have you been crushing on this girl?"
My heart breaks more as I asked that question. He looks at me questionably,
"I have been talking about her for while? Did you forgot?"
My smile quickly fades, just now remembering the conversations he would tell me during class or in the locker room. But I would be to busy looking at him or daydreaming about me and him together.
I shake my head carrying a weak smile onto my lips,
"R-right sorry..."
Kageyama looks at me before another ring comes from his phone,
"I think I'm done for today...Lets hurry and clean up."
I said picking up all the balls and placing them into the cart. My mind races with thoughts trying to scramble anything that makes me feel happy but fails as my heart just continues to break as more and more times passes by.
After a few minutes of cleaning Kageyama runs out the gym, I follow a bit after.
"Maybe- it's just a friend, yeah maybe it just-"
I look up my eyes widen as I see Kageyama fully hugging the girl,
The eyes I wish he would look at me with on another girl.
Arms I wished would be wrapped around me that would make me feel warm and loved were know around her.
And the lovely smile that I wished to make him feel were because of her instead of me...
My heart shatters at this point. As a lonely tear falls down to my check.


Author Note:
Hello! Welcome to my new story, "I'm Here..." I hoped you enjoyed todays chapter and will read more of my chapters as time goes on. Thank you for reading and see you guys in the next chapter!

See ya <3

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