Chapter 2 "Friend Ami"

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Hinata pov:
I wipe the tear that was coming down my check, I take a deep breath trying to calm my self but failing as I look up and see the two holding hands walking to class. My heart tugs, breaking like if I was stomped on and was shot multiple times. I let out a quiet cry puting my head down so no one can see my face full of tears.
I sprinted up to the locker room slamming the door shut, as I crash down tears started to flow out uncontrollably.
"W-W-W-No, This can't-Why! Why why why why why why Why WHY WHY!"
I screamed, trying to crawl over to my locker.
My vision started to become blurry from all of the crying. I move my hand up to the lever opening the locker, I sit up tears still flowing down as I change out of my gym clothes into my uniform.
As I finish changing I push my self up grabbing my bag and places it onto my shoulder. I wipe the tears from my face in a attempt to calm down.
As I started to cool down I hear the bell
*Dun dun dun...Dun dun dun dun....*
My eyes widen, I sprinted out of the locker room and ran to class. I run inside, looking up seeing the teacher not at her desk yet.
I sigh in relief as I walk over to my chair slumping down into it. Finally catching my breath as I try to calm my self once again.
"Excuse me class for being late, Shokki can you take attendance please?"
I look over at the class president standing up nodding, he walks over to the front taking attendence.
I look over to my left, zoning out into space. Not aware my name was about to be called.
"Shoyo, Hinata?"
"Shoyo, Hinata you here?"
I was brought back to reality when I felt my arm being nudge I looked over at the person who nudge me and we make eye contact.
She whispered,
"Is Hinata Shoyo not here?"
I look over raising my hand,
"I'm here...sorry"
He only nods marking me here before calling the next person. I place my arm down letting my chin rest on the palm of my hand. I look over at the window letting out a breath of embarrassment and boredom,
"This is gonna be a long day..."
I said to myself quietly, as class start to begin.

*after a long grueling hours of 'learning' later*

Third pov:
Hinata turns around in his seat grabbing his bag behind him, he goes through his bag getting more frustrated as he digs through more and more of his stuff.
"Where's my lunch?"
He digs through a bit more before giving up letting out a frustrated groan as he just remembers that he didn't pick up his lunch because of the stupid race he and Kageyama does.
'Wait Kageyama! He might have some foood!'
Hinata thought as he stands up walking over to Kageyama's desk, only to see no one sitting there.
"Erm-Where's Kageyama?"
He said to no one specifically,
He turn around seeing the girl from earlier.
"He's with Ahmya."
"Um, Ahmya? She's on our volleyball team, she's number 3."
His eyes widen,
"Oh-so that's number 3...."
The girl lightly laughs,
He cough from the awkwardness that was starting to form between them,
"Urm do you know what class they are in?"
She nods,
"Yeah I can show you, I need to stop by and tell her something anyways."
"Ok lead the way."
She nods again picking up the bags right next to her and left the class with Hinata quickly tailing her from behind.
The shorter boy looks down at all the bags she's holding,
"Hey do you need help holding those?"
"Nah I'm good. Imma throw them at Ahmya for ditching me at practice last night."
He nods,
"Ok here we are, can you open the door?"
Hinata opens the door letting the girl run inside. Before he could enter he hears a loud crash and someone yelling in pain.
Hinata enters seeing Kageyama dumbfounded and Ahmya on the ground with the bags on her chest.
"What was that for!"
Ahmya yelled as she rubs her stomach as she try to stand up.
"For ditching me at practice last night! Idiot!"
The other girl yelled back. Hinata walked over slowly watching as Kageyama stand up and walk over to Ahmya helping her up.
He quickly shut my eyes shaking his head, walking over to the girl that showed me the way.
"So how do you know her?"
"Oh right, I'm on the team also. I'm number 5...."
She stops as she looks at the couple in front of them,
"Guess I'm eating lunch by my self..."
She walks out, Hinata going with her. They both walk back to class, Hinata sits at his own desk resting his head on the desk having nothing else to do.

Hinata pov:
I sit there my arms covering my head as I try to process everything about Kageyama and Ahmya.
Are they really dating? Do I really not stand a chance?
Of course I don't stand a chance. He's not gay. And probably never would be...
He would never like just a gay,stupid, annoying, weak bit-
My thoughts was interrupted when I see the girl from earlier,
"Hey I see you have no do you want some?"
"No I'm fine."
She looks at me shaking her head,
"Here just take some I can tell your sad and hungry."
She places down her lunch putting it in front of me, she sits down in her desk right next to me. I pick up the chopsticks and look at her again.
"You sure?"
She nods,
I thank her eating a piece of her rice,
"Sooo you have a crush on Kageyama right?"
She states with no emotion.
I almost choke on the rice as she said that. I cough hitting my chest,
She laughs at my reaction,
"Sorry that was rude of me....but I can feel the gay radiating from you whenever you are near or see Kageyama."
I nod, swallowing the food.
"It must be tough seeing them together huh?"
"Y-yeah...It you have a crush on someone for the longest time but can never date them, just because their straight..."
"Yeah...I know the feeling..."
I look at her confused,
"Wait have you-"
"Never mind that, how's the food."
"Oh its good thank you......uhhh what's your name?"
She looks at me blankly,
"Really? I have been sitting next to you for the whole year...."
I laugh awkwardly,
"It's fine you can call me Ami."
"Ok thank you for the food Ami."
"Your welcome, and I know it's not my place but want to talk about it? It might help you feel better?"
I look at her nodding...
"I guess so, but is it ok if I asked something first?"
"Sure what is it?"
" gay also?"
She smiles at me nodding,
"Yeah...I'm pan! I actually had a girlfriend before..."
I nod noting the 'had a girlfriend' part.
"Oh cool..."
I let a breath out explaining and ranting everything that has been happening.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's kind of understandable if you would hate her. I would be mad at her too if I was in your shoes..."
I nod,
She opens her mouth to say something but was interrupted when the bell rings signalling lunch is over.
"Ahh shoot..."
I close the box handing it to her,
"Thanks for lunch, I will repay you tomorrow."
"Don't sweat it, it's fine. Just happy I could help and make you feel better."
I nod, I watch her pack her things and swings her bag over her shoulder,
"You leaving?"
"Yeah I have to leave school early today...Talk to you tomorrow!"
She waves at me before leaving class. My smile fades into a frown, looking back at the window.
"Guess I'm on my own now..."

Hey guys hope you enjoyed chapter 2!
Whose the voice? I wonderrrrrrr
I also want to do a pre warning for the next chapter that its gonna have TW gay slurs, and bullying. I will place a warning in the next chapter for just in case. Thank you for reading and I will see you guys later bye!

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