Perfect (monchele)

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Lea on the phone with Dianna 2013:

Lea:No I'm scared

Dianna:Lea it's okay

Lea:What if he breaks up with me

Dianna:You guys are getting married in a month


Dianna:Your going to have to tell him you can't hide that your pregnant from him and you told me you wanted to keep it then you have to tell him

Lea:How I can't just go up to him and be like I'm pregnant

Dianna:Make him dinner and buy a bag and put a shirt or a onesie


Dianna:Let me know how it went

Lea:Yeah I will thank you

Dianna:No problem

Lea:(hangs up)

5 hours later during Dinner:

Cory:Wait is this real meat


Cory:You never have meat

Lea:(hands him a bag she has on the side of her)

Cory:What's this

Lea:Open it

Cory:What was today

Lea:Just open it

Cory:(takes the tissue paper out and takes a shirt out)Best dad what oh oh my god!  Lea are you pregnant!?

Lea:Yeah I'm pregnant

Cory:(gets up and hugs her)I love you and are baby

Lea:Me too Cor

Cory:So why are you eating meat

Lea:It's good for the baby when your a kid you have to meat to grow

Cory:And that's why your so short and I'm so tall

Lea:Exactly and I want are children to be healthy and tall

Cory:Me too

9 months later:

Cory:Cmon Lea you got this push


Doctor:Cmon one more one big one


Doctor:And here they are


Doctor:Dad you wanna cut the cord

Cory:Yeah (cuts the cord)

Doctor:I'm just going to clean him real quick)

Cory:(goes to Lea and kisses her)You did it

Lea:We did it Cor are son is here

Doctor:(walks over and puts the baby in Lea's arms)

Lea:Hi baby Monteith

Cory:You know baby Monteith needs a name

Lea:He looks like a Finn

Cory:Yeah he does so we're naming him Finn

Lea:Yeah Finn Cory Monteith


Lea:Yeah everything is perfect

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