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If someone sees how Sakusa cries every night because of their fights, they would immediately advise him to break up with Atsumu. It's the right thing to do anyway, with their constant fights that usually end up with spewing words that they always regret after. But he was used to it.

They have been like this for almost 5 years now. It all started when they met during a summer camp way back in high school. At first, he didn't think that he would fall in love with someone who is as cocky as Atsumu. Sakusa hated every part of the blonde - his aura, his choice of words, and his self-absorbed self. He loathed everything about him.

But as time goes by, he started to see the person beneath those ugly characteristics of the man. Behind the facade is a young who is afraid to be left out by the people around him so he chose to push himself onto others by telling them to be on his level - to be the type of person he would want to be with. Yes, it was annoying at first but as someone who has been alone ever since he was young, Sakusa understood that side of Atsumu Miya.

"Are you sure that you want to be my friend?" the blonde asked one time while they were taking a break from their drills.

The curly-haired man looked at him and nodded. "I don't see any reason to avoid you."

"Hmm... Alright then..."

And they became inseparable. They kept touch by texting each other, sometimes they also facetime each other if both of them are free, which only led them to be much closer.

They would share everything that happened to them every single day and comfort each other when someone is having a bad day. The constant calls and messages led to something that they didn't expect to happen.

"I like you, Omi..." Atsumu blurted out.

It was the middle of summer when Sakusa decided to pay the blonde a visit. Sakusa's parents went overseas for a conference and he doesn't want to spend the whole vacation alone so what better way to spend the break other than staying at your friend's place, right?

He looked at the blonde. He doesn't know what to do not react. Sure, he's starting to like the person but he wanted to wait at least until they graduated from high school because he knows that Atsumu is planning to go to Tokyo for college. They already talked about it and he was quite excited for that time to come because he is also planning to share a flat with the blonde.

He wants to see if he really has feelings for this guy once they're together every single day.

But with Atsumu confessing to him right now? He doesn't know what to do aside from reciprocating it.

"I like you too, Tsumu..."

Atsumu smiled, "Eh? Are ya sure? Or are ya just saying because I told you that I like you?"

"Do you really think I would spend money to buy a ticket just to visit a friend ?"

The blonde blushed. "Okay point taken. But are ya sure 'bout this?"

"Of course."


Everything went perfectly normal, they were able to handle the long-distance relationship very well. Although there are moments when the two are having some misunderstanding and Sakusa doesn't know how to deal with it. Atsumu is a difficult person to understand despite his character and he doesn't know how to approach someone who's first response to a heated argument is silence.

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