Chapter 2

58 8 2

Third persons POV

Jimin stared at the screen for a whole minute, before clicking on the users profile. It made him confused since his account was pretty lowkey. With zero posts and 5 followers, it's a surprise when someone follows him.

'jeonnyjung'  The profile read

50 posts, 50.0k followers, 4 following

His eyes widened in shock as he stared at the large follower count. He squinted his eyes to read it more clearer, rereading it 10 times to make sure that he had read it right. He clicked on the "people he follows" icon and sees that the only other people he follows were Conan Gray, Troye Sivan and Hozier.

"He must be gay then, or bisexual at least" Jimin thought as he snickered 

Yeah, no one stays straight while listening to Troye Sivan.

Jimin was not homophobic. He was bisexual himself. Though the only real relationship he had was in 10th grade where a boy had asked if he could take him out on a date, but on the third date they had agreed that they weren't for each other. The two remained friends even when there was some flicker between them in the past.

He was still confused on why this person was following him on Instagram. His first suspicion is for him to get more followers, and that he would unfollow Jimin after Jimin begins to follow him. But then again, the only other people he follows were famous artists and Jimin was the only non-famous person he follows. If he had wanted more followers, then he would've followed more people, and not only Jimin.

Jimin was staring at his phone, sitting on the edge of his bed as his whole face was contorted in confusion. When suddenly, his phone chimed as a notification appeared from the top of his screen.

'jeonnyjung: hiiii!!!' :D'

"Holy mother of Jesus! What the fuck?!-" He borderline screamed as his eyes widened, his hands suddenly froze as his phone dropped into the grey carpeted floor.

Once he snapped out of his trace, he immediately picked up his phone from the floor and re-opened Instagram account. He checks the notification, not exactly opening the message. He kept reading it, checking if it was actually legit. 

And unfortunately for Jimin, It was.

"Okay Jimin, chill out. This is normal. Just open the text message, reply to the god forsaken text and ask why and how did he find your account" A mantra he kept repeating to himself  in the head. It was like he was someone crazy chanting a spell while pacing back and forth across the room with his phone in his hands.

With shaky hands, sweaty face and trembling legs, He opens the message. He types 

Wrong send? 

As his hands hover over the blue Enter button, he re-checks the message before finally sending it as he watches the message deliver, then replaced with the word "Seen".

While Jimin wasn't panicking before, he was legitimately panicking now.

"What if he thinks I'm mad? Or even worse, a weirdo! I mean he probably wouldn't think I'm a weirdo since he was the one who followed me first--But that's besides the point!-" He unconsciously talks to himself. His hands clammy and his whole body feeling jumpy.

He keeps talking to himself , or no one in particular. The other part of his head wants himself to calm down, while the other is panicking and urging to look at the phone screen.  He wants to look at the phone screen, to see if he replied, or what his reply was. But there's a part of him that just restrains himself from looking at the phone screen, scared at the possibilities

You might think he was being over dramatic. Technically he is, but you cant blame the poor boy for being anti-social. Especially when the person who followed him was devilishly hot and famous.

The brave side of him wins in the battle that formed in his head. Taking one long look at the lock screen one more time, he slides it up as the phone reveals the DM part of Instagram. He clicks the famous new followers profile as he prays to the heavens above that he didn't send anything entirely negative.

He opens his eyes,  scanning the new message the follower sent and relaxing a little bit.

"jeonnyjung: nahh, i just wanna be friends :>" it said

After the panicking, the battle of thoughts, the drama and all the stuff he gone through just this moment has turned back into confusion, where it all started. Thoughts began to gather up in his mind again. Like "why was he doing this" "who even is he" "why the fuck is he kind of cute-"  

He unconsciously thought about the last one. He wouldn't deny it though, he knows when a man is cute.

Well, fuck it I guess. 


-Azrael xx

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