.Chapter 4.

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The next morning I awoke to the sun rising, It was a beautiful serene site to witness. I arose made the bed, did my morning business and only once I looked in the mirror did I realize I was in what smelt like Reece's t-shirt that was long enough to be a night dress and panties. I don't remember wearing this, it must have been them. Ohhh ... They saw me in just panties, I blushed. Deciding not to dwell on the thought, thinking of them seeing me naked and what they might've seen or thought was something for later. Now I wanted to make breakfast. Since they said it was only us in the house  for the weekend and the chef and serves left after dinner, I was way to comfortable to change and I thought I looked cute. After brushing my hair, I walked into their kitchen and hunted for the ingredients for the breakfast I had planned in my head, after I found what I needed, I got to work with my cooking playlist on play in the back ground.

About two and half hours later there was waffles, pancakes, bacon and eggs. Cut up fruit, yoghurt and muesli placed on the island. 3 sets of plates , coffee in two cups, water and two jugs of juice. They walked in just as I finished setting the maple syrup, ice-cweam, chocolate and caramel sauce on the island. They both looked at me with wide eyes as I walked to them and kissed them both on the cheek and told them both to sit and dig in, Again Reece served me first and then themselves, waited for me to eat and then started. Conversation always seemed to flow between us, I asked if the changed me after finally gaining the courage to mouth the words. With a long look from both of them, Reece finally said yes but we had our eyes closed the entire time and will only ever look at you with your permission. I blushed and finished the last of my breakfast and orange juice. They thanks me and complimented me on how good breakfast was, after pitching in on the cleaning up and washing dishes.

I made my way to the patio and took ma seat next to my pipe, I made myself one and started it the first smoke blow out had my lungs singing. Reece and Royce joined on the patio and Royce asked why do you smoke this after sometime. Well it's more of a hobby and I love the mechanics of it and the fact that its made from fruit. Well you know its like worse then the cigarettes' and cigar's we smoke, says Reece. Well, I always say we all going to go out one day may as well go out doing what you love right. Everything has an expiry date, And nothing lasts for a life time. So enjoy the now rather then the than because we don't even know if we'll make it to see the than, don't agree. they both looked at me amused and I blushed  saying sorry for getting deep. They both shook their heads at me. 

I was putting on my sneakers, told to wear something for hiking because that is what we will be doing behind the house, apparently I was going to be amazed as the was not only a forest but a mountain too that was just waiting to be explored. I left the room with my backpack secured on me and headed downstairs. Reece and Royce both looked at me hungrily as I approached them and shook their heads, What is with these two and shaking their heads at me. You are going to be the death of us that is what it, says Reece. Oh I said that out loud. Yes you certainly did, says Royce. I need to stop thinking out loud, I shake my head at my self this time and blush while making it to the back door.

We walked deep into the forest taking turns every now and then. You're not going to kill me out here are you? Reece and Royce both laugh from in front and behind me and Royce said no, I have not given them reason to. At that I laughed pulling tongue in his direction and and joking about how I'm way to precious to them for them to want to do that even if they were given a reason to, Reece turned and smirked my way from up ahead and said glad you catch on fast. I blushed and continued walking with my attention on every detail, I had a good sense of memory and I wanted to remember the way incase there was a place along the way I wanted to visit on my own. We came to a gathering deep in the mountains, past some sort of path way and I was welcomed with the most beautiful opening. A waterfall with a plunge pool unlike the one I'm used to, this one had exotic flowers growing  in all colors. The sun was shining just right, there was a picnic area  and it was just a beautiful place. Nature all around you big and small, Birds chirping and singing about. It was so out of this world that I wanted this to be my escape place when the world became too much for me.

I turned to find the boys have already set up a picnic, with fruits, sandwiches, a variety of my favorite snacks, juice and wine. I smiled and kissed them each on the cheek and sat down, started making me a pipe while they got comfortable and told me they had some work to do as they brought the laptops with and a few books to keep me occupied for the time being. I smoked and thanked them after I blew smoke in their direction, they shook their head at me and got to work. I was reading a spicy book that had quite a scene, I started rubbing my legs together trying to create subtle friction as I imagined the scene. I looked up quickly to see if they noticed but they were to consumed by their work (or so I thought). Feeling a little too hot and bothered by the sight of them looking so sexy as they concentrated, I decided to take a dip in the plunge pool. Taking my black leggings of I had a matching pair of black bum shorts on so I would not look funny in unmatched underwear, I looked back to see if they were looking but still nothing. I walked away heading up the side of the waterfall, it was not that far up and I was still in their line of sight. 

Without second guessing, I jumped into the plunge pool with a scream of joy. It was so exhilarating and I loved the way the water felt warm against my skin and not cold. I was always some what of and adrenaline junky so it was fun jumping into the unknown, I had splashes as I rose to the surface. I swam towards what I thought was the after effect of their splashes but ohh... was I mistaken, Royce popped up from behind me and grabbed me by the waist and  tossed me in the air towards his brothers direction. I was a screaming, laughing mess as they kept passing me around like a doll. Is this why Reece calls me bambola. But then again my 5 foot 6 compare to their 6 foot 11", my round cheeks and porcelain skin with these googoo grey eyes would give you the perception.

I was trying to catch my breath while be held in between the two of them and Reece whispered into my ear, I would have drowned if they weren't keeping me up. The words so clear circling my head for an answer, Why were you rubbing your legs together earlier on bambola. Were you reading something that got you hot and bothered, I blushed which was my first response and a cough out of nowhere. ( They noticed, how embarrassing.) we want to take our time with you you bambolina but you have needs that must be seen to until such a time where in we feel you are ready. Royce started kissing my neck as I leaned back granting him more access, Reece leaned forward kissing me slowly. Tantalizingly slow, what do you want Amarni? I almost came from the sound of my name rolling off Reece's lips but I did not have enough to stimulation. Answer Amarni said Royce as my breathing picked up, It sounded like I was panting with need. I think she likes the sound of her name coming from us brother, Reece said to Royce. 

My eyes shot open and in a nagging voice I told them not to talk about me as if I weren't here. Royce held me firmly by the throat, no nagging Amarni answer the question... Looking Reece directly in to those beautiful eyes  with the most seductive look I could master, I whispered breathlessly you both to touch me. Royce's hands immediately went to my breast as Reece skimmed his finger slowly from my throat all the way down to my coochie, he looked at me for confirmation and with a nod of my head he kissed me hungrily and his fingers entered me almost the same time as his tongue explored my mouth. Royce teased my nipples with his lips on my neck and Reece continued his assault on my lips and coochie. The sensations became too much and I started clenching around his fingers, but Royce was the one to summon my undoing with just his voice in my ear telling me to cum, I did and Reece made sure to hit my g-spot again just as I was coming down from my high another one hit as I moaned their names and let out a string of foul words and mumbled noises. 

They swam us to the shore where towels already awaited us, Reece dried me off and Royce laid me down as the both cuddled me and everything felt as it should be. Like this is where we belonged, together. But I was not going to rush things they wanted to take things slow and that is exactly what we will do. I woke up to the sound of rustling in the bush near by, raising my head from Royce's chest I looked around and saw nothing. The sound came from somewhere near the west side of the waterfall, Reece and Royce started stirring above and beneath me. Royce opened his eyes and smiled up at me but it was gone when the rustling started up again.                         

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