The beginning

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My name is Alylia( pronounced A-lily-a) callisman stewart, you can call me Lia
My parents moved us to London for their work stuff and I'm now in year 6 ( grade 5)
And I've lived her for about a year, I'm not the most popular person or the most talkative.
I've only talked to one person but I'm not really friends with her either.

I guess the reason I don't have much friends is I'm not very social or confident and there's also that one incident.
I had just moved to a new country, city, school and on my second day I had slipped and fell, a bucket of water fell on my head and I was soaking wet AND it happened in front of everyone!!! I was known as the 'clumsy new girl'
After that everyone just forgot and didn't mind me AT ALL as in they didn't even turn my way.


There's this guy at school Louis. he's super sweet, when I fell he was the only person who helped me, even though we hadn't had any kind of interaction after that.

I walked up to Louis and his group of friends thinking I could have some change for once
"Hey guys could I play with you too?"
Everyone stared at me "um we don't have anymore space" a girl with yellowish blonde hair that was put into a pony tail slightly to the side said

"No it's fine you can come we have one more space left" Louis looked at me and smiled

"I'm lia and thanks" I smiled and followed them

After that interaction Louis would hangout with me every break.
Until one horrible day that changed.

That annoying blonde girl I talked about earlier? That's katy and she's the one that made that day especially horrible

Katy had read my diary that I kept in my cubby and decided she would tell everyone what it contained (it had my love confession for Louis) katy also had the biggest crush on Louis anyone could see it.

"Hey guys! Guess what lia likes Louis isn't that so weird ew" she was rubbing it in my face and everyone had disgusted looks on their faces, Louis' face looked confused I couldn't let him know that I do in fact like him so I replied with
"No I don't Louis is gross" I looked down at my shoes.

Louis' face turned disgusted "I don't like you either you're weird and I don't wanna be friends with you I was just trying to be nice" everyone else replied with 'yeah' and 'let's go' they all left and I ran away in tears I cried when no one was in sight I couldn't let them know that affected me.

After that day katy and her friends ( including Louis) would bully me, in a way they really just annoyed me and no one wanted to be friends with me, katy kept making weird lies like I pushed her or I had a crush on everyone or random shit

The whole school year I had to deal with them
It was a nightmare,
But! Just in time for middle school
I convinced my parents to let me move schools
I'm so happy for that cause in year 7 i met my best friend Olivia.
She's helped me through thick and thin and we went through everything together


*last year*

I was pretty into acting and I tried multiple side parts and auditioned for anything and everything there was, my bsf liv was convinced I'd be famous some day and in a way she was right

This day changed my life and Liv believed in me
"Liv I got the part oh my- I'm going to faint"
My heart was racing and I was squealing with excitement as I ranted to my best friend Olivia
"AHHH I'm so excited for you! Just don't forget me when you're famous- and I'll visit you in LA"
she hugged me and we were now both squealing in my room.

*weeks later* ( departure day)
I was now going to LA for my filming I couldn't believe it I was going to actually do this.
"I'm going to miss you so much" liv hugged me , we were both sobbing and couldn't let go of each other, I mean how could we've been best friends for 6 years.
"Who am I going to hangout with now! And go out for brunch and lunch and dinner!"

"I'll miss you too liv" I smiled as I gave her one last hug and headed off to my life changing opportunity

LA was great I met so many people ( including celebrities) it was so exciting and fun.
So different from london too! I've travelled to quite some places but never the US!
Especially Hollywood were dreams came true.
I met a bunch of child actors my age, IT cast, ST cast, and not to mention the cast for the new action movie 'planets aligned' which I was filming in

I became friends with Millie B brown as she starred in the movie too, the crazy thing is I was the lead?!


*present day*

📞: Liv💸👅

Me: hey livv I'm almost here I can't wait to see you

Liv: ahh! Cant wait I miss you soo much, we have to hangout as much as we can before summer breaks over

Me: I know I'm kind of bummed that I'm changing schools even though I kind of hated everyone.

Liv: I'm jealous pls take me with you I can't stand it there

Me: oh hey I think I see you! I'm waving you see that?

Liv: ummm where? Oh wait never mind I see you!

*call ended*

"ALS!!!! Come here! I missed you so much you idiot"
Olivia came running to me and we hugged tightly never wanting to let go

Did I mention I changed my nickname to Aly? Sounded a little better and started with the first letter of my name too

"I missed you too dumbass, I haven't seen you in months! Since like my birthday" I gave her a pout and we both laughed

"Can you believe it about 8 months ago we were at this exact spot saying goodbye? Not forever thankfully we saw eachother like twice" liv was looking around remembering the moment I left

We both headed out of the airport and loaded my luggage in liv's new car ( she got her drivers license) even though she isn't supposed to drive without an adult but whatever.

We drove the whole way home blasting
Taylor swift and our 'sad vibes playlist' as well as songs from our favorite Disney& Nick movies

"YOU HAD IT ALL! The way you told me told me you want me! I had it all.. BUT let you fool me fool me completely" we both sang a song from victorious, we loved that show

Me and Liv arrived at my house and hung out for hours while I unpacked.
As we hung out during the rest of summer as well
Which was incredibly fun we completed our summer bucket list and all.

-pretend to be paparazzi
-get a summer job
-dancing in public
-watching the sunrise
-picnic under the stars
-proposing to people with ring pops

And a bunch of other weird stuff we could come up with,
This year was the best things I could ask for
The ending of this year (after summer) not so much since I had to return to school,
I've been doing homeschooling for a year now and regular school seems scary.
I forgot how judgy people at school can be, but hey! If you would've seen the people in LA you would be even more scared or equally scared, not sure yet.

But school had to start which was sad but whatever atleast my uniform was cute

-day before school-

"Alyyyy I really have to go now my mom will kill me if I don't wake tomorrow for school" Olivia was leaving my house now which I dreaded since I didn't want the day to end meaning summer ending
"Fine I guess you can go, just know that I'll be all alone in a new school tomorrow" I gave her a pout and she giggled
"Atleast your uniforms cute! Like have you seen ours? They've changed it since you've left and it's even uglier" Olivia rolled her eyes and waved me goodbye

I then got ready for bed turned the lights off and thought of everything that could happen tomorrow .

HI!!! I wrote my second book
Also checkout my other book 'dreams come true'
:)) this romance is a friends to enemies to strangers to lovers romance type 😔😔 hope you guys enjoy! <3

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