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"Hey! Louis what's upp?....." I gave him a smile,
I was freaked out.
I know it's like all in the past and stuff, and we were kids... buttt it was a really embarrassing time of my life.
While I was homeschooled katy literally found my socials and kept trolling me with her friends so I made a new account and changed my name.

Geez now that I think of it she must've really liked Louis.

"I knew it! You looked familiar I-I just couldn't put my mind to it, I mean I didn't think it was you anyways since everyone was saying you moved away or something" Louis was ranting

"Ookay guys uh I should go, mind giving her a ride? Okay bye!" Liv ran to her car and drove off with a "sorry love you! I'll make it up"

"I don't know what you're talking about.. I'm pretty sure I would've recognized you if i knew you" I tried getting myself out of this situation

"But- you're lia? We went to middle school together" he gave me a confused look

"Noo can't be anyways I better get home bye bye"
I was heading off when Louis stopped me

"But you're friend just left? Want me to give you a ride" he smiled and I agreed

Home was almost an hour away by walking and I did not feel like doing any walking

I got in the front seat and Louis started the car

"Y'know I always wondered why you left, where did you go?" He was now driving and looked over to me

"I- um homeschooled?" I looked out the window avoiding eye contact, it was pretty awkward to me atleast.

"That's cool, wanna catch up? On life you know?"

"Oh yeah.. so? Did you move here from our last school?" I asked

"Yeah I was doing homeschooling at the start of last year though, I had a project"

"For filming? Right? That's really cool I did one recently too" I smiled at him, it was nice that we had something in common

"Really? Is it confidential or?"

"Kind of, it should be out soon though, I'll tell you the name in a few days, that's when the announcement is" I looked at Louis as he answered

"Okay that's cool" he smiled

We were now at my driveway and I got out of the car

"Well I guess you know where I live now" I smiled at him

We both said our byes and left.


"Hey mum" I placed my bag next to the entrance and sat at the kitchen counter grabbing an apple.

"Hey honey how was school?" She smiled at me

"Same as always- I'm gonna go to my room" I took a bite of my apple and ran upstairs

"Marissa called- I talked to her but you should call her back so she can explain" she shouted

Marissa she's my agent by the way super sweet but she could be intimidating at first


A: hi marissa you called?

M: hey Al! It's about the premiere the movies gonna be out in about a month, and there's gonna be a premiere just with the cast

A: that's super cool, I'll be sure to remember that

M: okay be sure to get your things ready bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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