The project

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It was the last few minutes of isseis last class and he was sat there watching the clock and listening for the bell to signal he could go.
Issei pov

I look away from the clock to close my book and from the front of the classroom I hear:
Issei don't close your book until I dismiss you is that clear?
I say yes reluctantly  and drawn owt.
I open my book again and the bell rings and the teacher says class dismissed. What was the point in me opening my book again. I swear 2nd day drama is a different world to what I've seen before the new teacher is so dum. I get up and walk out of class and see kiba and koneko on the corridor. I catch up  to them and tell them that I'm off to meet rias round the back of the school and ask if they want to come.

"Sure I'll come it'll make things easier to get to yours as a group after all" kiba replies.
" what he said" koneko says in a dull voice.
" right then that's sorts it" I say as we all walk to go meet up with rias.
We get there to see rias sat in the grass on her phone.
" how'd you get here so quick, you must have ran out of class" kiba says.
" oh your here! about time, and the teacher let me out early" she say looking at me and smiling
" well are we off or what?" Koneko says Rowling her eyes.
We set off and talk about what should happen in the story.
We compromise on dio actually being friends with jonathan and dyeing for him in the end sort of like will zepeli did. We get to my house and explain to my parents that we're doing a school project.
" that's fine just don't be too loud and don't stay too late don't want your friends getting in trouble with their parents now do we" my mom looks at me and smiles.
" yeah of corse not well be gone by 8 miss" rias says smiling at her
We walk upstairs and start talking about who's doing what part.
" so let me get this straight, I'm doing the start and up to where he meets dio, konekos doing up to where they both master harmone and your doing up to where they get in a fight with a master harmone user and Issei is doing the end, right?" Kiba says confused.
" right" rias says laughing
" now that that's covered let's start writing." Kiba says. We sit there with music on and writing for hours but seemed like minuets. We eventually got half of every part done and took A break. We went for a walk down to the kabab shop down the road.
" so how many pages has everyone done, I know the teacher said quality over quantity but I think it matters now" I say
" well I've done 4 and a quarter" kiba says
" 3" koneko says
"I've done 5" rias says smiling at me
" and I've done 4 and a half" I reply
" we're doing good aren't we, has everyone got almost or past half way of there part?" Kiba says
" almost I've just got to do the part where they Lear how to use harmone then I'm practically half way" koneko replies
"Yep" I say
" I've gone a little past half way I'm we're they are walking through the London slums trying to find a medicine shop for there father" rias says with the same beautiful smile
" well we're good for time then so we should have enough time to eat this without having  to write at the same time." I say
We continue to walk down then order. Rias looks around like she hasn't been to a walk in and order type of place.
" has the princess not been to a in and out takeaway?" I say grinning.
" as a matter of fact I haven't I don't get takeaways often if we eat out it's at a fancy restaurant usually" she say still looking around.

A few minutes of silence pass and our food gets put on the counter for us to collect we get up, pay then walk back home.

" oi pretty boy, you want your box of chips now?" I say looking at kiba
" yes ' pretty boy' would want his chips now if that's ok" he says laughing
I throw them over and he opens the box. There's nothing like the smell of a take way
" would princess want hers too?"
" yes please servant" she says laughing too
" I take it you want yours too midget"
" yep" she say putting her hands up to catch
We all start eating as we walk home.

A few minuets pass of us just writing and rias breaks the silence.
"Can I connect my phone to the speaker?" She say looking at me with her ocean blue eyes sparkling in the light
How can I say no to that and why would you say no to that?
" of corse" I say tossing her the speaker.
She puts on her spotify playlist and it brings back memories of songs I forgot I had. We all sing along even koneko just enjoying each others company. Koneko puts her pen down and says:
" done"
She was the first of us to finish, I think it was due to the fact that the rest of us were singing along to songs like 'shawty like a melody and not writing. Soon after rias and I put our pens down to signal to them we are done, shortly Kiba dose the same and we all decide to just hang out and talk with the music faint in the background.
" you know I really didn't think I would ever be friends with pretty boy" I say laughing.
" trust me issei I didn't think I would ever be friends with you, there's rummers going around your prev 3" kiba says bursting  into laughter
" is that right issei?" Rias says laughing at what kiba said.
" we really don't need a 3rd perv in the school" koneko says laughing aswell
" I'm not perv 3" I say with my head down jokingly acting sad.
" well I think it's time we get off don't  you think koneko?" Kiba says getting up and packing his pens up
" suppose" koneko says
" who are we giving the work to hand in?" I say
" seen as you two like skipping and being late I suppose me and koneko will take it" Kiba says laughing again
" well thank you here you go pretty boy" I say laughing with him and me and rias hand him our work form him to submit in the morning.
Kiba and koneko walk out and we follow them to see them off
" see you two tomorrow" I say
"Bye" they say in unison
I shut the door and turn to rias.
" so when you off?" I say
" not sure is it ok if I stay here form the night, I don't particularly want to go home." She says smiling at me trying to persuade me.
" I don't have a spare bedroom so that might be a problem" I say putting my hand to my chin.
" I don't see a problem there." She smiles at me sadistically. I blush heavily and say:
She laughs and we walk upstairs. My bed is placed in a spot where you can see the tv when you lay down so rias lays down and turns on the tv.
"Whatcha fancy watching then?" She says mid yawn
" it sounds like you want to go to sleep not watch tv" u say laughing
" you wouldn't be wrong there" she says laughing two.
" look I know you don't want to sleep with me but can you sit with me till I fall asleep please" she says sounding semi-serious.

"O-of c-c-corse" I say flustered and blush again. Who in there right mind would say no to rias saying ' can you sit with me till I fall asleep'
" great, I'm just going to go brush my teeth then I'm just going to go to sleep if that's ok with you issei" she says getting up
" alright see you in a min" I say sitting on the bed. I wounded if anything's going to happen. Or dose she just want to sleep god knows. And god shall tell. I can feel a nose bleed coming from what I was thinking of but then snap back to reality when I see the door open. It was rias wearing a half unbuttoned white shirt and her hair let down. She doesn't have sorts or a skirt on it was just her panties. I feel blood dripping from my nose and quickly turn around hoping she didn't see.
"Thank you god for blessing me with this wonderful event" I whisper to myself.
" oh issei your so silly I sleep in this all the time don't feel special" she say clearly having noticed that my nose was bleeding. I wipe my nose and said:
"Y-yeah I k-knew that"
She giggles and gets under the covers after turning the light off. I can feel another nose bleed coming but suppress it. She grabs me and pulls me in for a hug. Her bust was pressed against my chest and my mind when into overdrive like it did a couple of nights ago. She moves my hand onto her thigh and my hand uncontrollably starts rubbing it.
" somebody's eager." She whispers.
My other hand uncontrollably falls down her back and she starts kissing me. I grab her ass and I can hear a little moan amongst us kissing.
" looks like I'm winning the game right now doesn't it" I say referencing her embarrassing me in front of kiba earlier on today.
" is that so" she says with a seductive smile.
I can fell her hand move and then I realise.
It's heading straight towards my manhood. But I realised too late to prepare myself. She starts to rub it and my head falls back in pleasure.
" well look who's winning now"  she says going back to start kissing me again.
" well see who wins in the end" I think to my self.
My hand moves off of her thigh and goes towards her bust and start to grab them.
All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door
" shit" I whisper.
Rias puts  her head down on her pillow and pretends to be asleep.
My mom opens the door
" o- er night" she says surprised.
Rias giggles and  I turn over with my heart pounding.
" night issei" I hear from behind me.
" night rias" I say
She hugs me and her boobs push against my back.
" I can definitely get use to this" I think to my self slowly drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to rias's phone alarm but then realise  my face is in her boobs. I contemplate wether to just stay there or wether to turn the alarm off. The alarm grew annoying so I got up to turn it off. I soon realised rias was naked.
" wait did we... we didn't did we... And I was asleep for it..." I began silently sobbing to myself.
" oh issei don't worry we didn't do anything I just can't sleep with cloths on, it doesn't feel right." She says looking at me with her eyes half shut and almost asleep.
" now get back in bed we can get up in 10" she says
" sure thing" I say smiling to myself with a quick change of emotions.
I get back in bed and she put her leg over me kisses me on my forehead and Reuters my head back to where it originally was in her boobs.
I silently thank god for placing me here today and giving me an angel from heaven. She wraps her arm round me and falls asleep again waiting for her alarm to go off  once again. Sure enough the alarm went of and we both got up. I see rias's curvy body and turn around to hide my face to save myself the embarrassment.
" should we go get a shower now issei?" She says looking calm and grabbing a towel.
" w-we?" I say flustered
" yes we, are you deaf" she say giggling.
" a-alright then."

We both get out of the shower and put our cloths on and get ready to go to school. We sit and eat breakfast and strangely enough my mom doesn't ask me why rias is still here or why we where sleeping together, I thank all of my lucky stars and we head off to school.
" hey rias, you busy after school?" I ask
" not really why do you have something planned?" She asks back
" I was wondering if you wanted to go to down town kuho and got to the arcade or something" I answer.
" I haven't really been to a arcade before but sounds fun so yeah I'll go" she says smiling at me.
" sounds like a plan then, just hope this day doesn't drag out." I say
" you definitely just jinxed yourself there" rias says laughing at me
I sigh and we continue to walk to school

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