I'm back :D

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Hey readers!

You might've noticed that I haven't really been active since last year, but that changes now! I was just busy with school, and then summer came along and I completely forgot about Wattpad. But now that I'm back, here are some things I wanted to say!

1) I'm probably going to mark this book as completed and occasionally come back to update it when I get an idea or a request (chapter 6 is where you can request incorrect quotes of a certain ship or certain ships!). Speaking of requests, I have a few I need to catch up on, so after that I'll mark this book as completed :]

2) This may or may not be a shameless plug, but follow me on Twitter! I'm @ONCE_foreva on there, and I follow back everyone :) My DMs are always open to you on there, so if you want someone to talk to or you just want to say hi, feel free to drop by! I'm also active on there more than I am on here, so you're more likely to find me hanging around there than you are on here.

3) By the way, when I say "I got this one from ___" in a chapter, I almost always change the incorrect quotes, like I'm not straight up copying it from somewhere else lol. It's usually just the quotes that I find from somewhere else when I say that it's not my own idea, I just change/add the names to it and maybe make a few small changes to the wording. Just wanted to say that :)

That's all I had to say for now, so...
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay hydrated and all. I love you <3

See ya in the next chapter :D

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