Take Me Away

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Tonight's sky was dark and starless, and the moon remained hidden behind the invisible clouds hovering above her head. If it wasn't for the streetlights, she would be swallowed by darkness. Right now, it felt like she could disappear in the night, in a snap. Her pace increased slightly when she began to move her short legs faster, her arms tightly holding herself, as if she was trying not to fall apart, and her arms were the last thing preventing her from bursting out of her skin. Wiping her hair to the side, the girl looked up, still searching for a star – just one – but the sky stayed oddly murky. Now that she was looking up she stopped walking. Her head tilted backwards and her small frame made everything look bigger than it actually was, and trees suddenly seemed to reach the sky. Silence was everywhere and it filled her. Taking a deep breath felt like the best thing to do. If she was sure not to get hit by a car, she would have laid in the middle of the road, just because it seemed to be cool in the movies and she always wanted to do that. Looking over her shoulder, her gaze landed on the empty road, then she listened closely for a couple of seconds, but there still was no sound to be heard except for the faint music in the distance. It shined like the entire town was sleeping. But something made her continue her way, shaking her head as she walked away and forgot about this stupid idea. Maybe it was better like that, she didn't need to be careless to enjoy herself.

Right ?

Her lower lip quivered, and her hands automatically clasped on her mouth. Maybe it was due to the sudden realization of her own loneliness that overtook her, or maybe it was just because of the fresh air, but either case, it was a sign of weakness. And she didn't want to be weak, she wanted to the strong, fierce and brave – all those things she was far from becoming any time soon. It wasn't like she had a choice, life wasn't always kind to her. She didn't fancy loneliness, she needed to know that when she was getting tired of being alone, there would be people – or at least one person – waiting for her, greeting her with a smile. But it just didn't feel like that would happen. As she kept walking away, the music faded away, and soon she was forgotten. Even though she tried to go out, to socialize, the more she tried to interact with her 'friends' the less she felt in her right place. She was an outcast and whatever she did to make it change, it didn't work. She tried to comfort herself by repeating that maybe, she didn't find the right people to hang out with yet. But she didn't really believe it. Running her fingers through her hair to pull it back, the girl took a breath to calm down and she began to walk again, getting further and further from.. from what exactly ? As the physical distance increased, the emotional one did too. The concert, her friends, the music, people. Yes, that's what she was running away from.

She couldn't help but gaze up at the sky once again, but it still felt like the world had been put in a box, forever in the dark. Snuggling in her over sized hoodie, Scarlett tried to shield herself from the cold wind as her footsteps brought her closer to her house. It never felt right to call it 'home' but it was still her house. She lived alone since her parents moved to Melbourne for her mom's work. She stayed in Sydney because that's where her friends were – at least that's what she thought – and she was in her last year at Uni. God bless, it was February now and she would soon have to make a choice: go to Uni or join her parents in Melbourne. Uni already started actually, and she only came here today because she felt like seeing her old friends – but she seemed to have overestimated how much they wanted to see her. She could still stop and leave. But every time she considered leaving Sydney, the picture of a certain blond boy burned in her brain. She wanted to go away though, she needed to have a fresh start, another chance – to do better this time. She remember when they first started talking. Like, actually talking. And eventually more. She smiled at the thought.

[Flash back]

She felt a foreign body pressed against her as she danced, letting her body and her entire being follow the music - even though it was really bad music – as she did her best not to spill over her drink. The two guys dancing with her were absolute strangers to the girl but she couldn't care less, because it was what she came for. To have a good time, to feel like any other student of her age, to get drunk and maybe even laid. Her eyes were closed but the flashing lights still pierced through her eyelids as she began to move suggestively against one of the bodies next to her, already feeling three hands running over her sides – one of them probably belonging to the other guy taking his chance. But suddenly she felt her drink being taken away from her and her eyes popped open, ready to shoot daggers to whoever just stole her beer, but then someone grabbed her wrist, gripping firmly on it and pulling her out of the crowd and away from the boy who was already dancing with someone else.

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