That Nerd

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“Okay girls, enough for today!” The team captain shouted after checking her wrist watch and clapped in her hands to signal everybody that training was over. “See you tomorrow, same time!”

Since the football season was close, cheerleaders had to train daily and Mandy, their captain, was pissing the absolute shit out of everyone.

“Finally!” Alex exclaimed, out of relief – maybe a little louder than planned since her captain shot her a glare. Stretching herself before jogging to the girl's changing room, Alex began to take off her cheerleader uniform and hurried under the shower, quickly washing off the sweat from the two hours training and wrapping herself in a towel.

“Hey, Alex!” Her friend called her. She threw her something that she grabbed automatically before looking at it. “Thanks for lending me this! It worked wonders,” she winked at her and left after shutting her locker close. It was Alex's favorite skirt, - a black peplum skirt – which she lend to her friend who had a date with a guy she had a crush on since forever. Smiling, Alex changed into clean clothes and hurried out of the changing room – her math teacher would kill her if she was late once again because of training and she couldn't afford failing this class if she wanted to stay in the team. Almost, tripping over her own feet, Alex managed to get in class just when the bell rang and the teacher shot her a frustrated glare, as if he was hoping for her to be late so he could yell at her. Alex hated math with a burning passion, and as soon as she sat down at her usual place, she already wanted to bash her face into the desk. Math made no sense to her, the dark haired girl felt like she would understand better a thousand pages book written in Russian than an algebra formula. It was just so frustrating! The teacher had begun the lesson but she was already lost and her jaw clenched in concentration, and she balled up her fists. When she looked down at her notes, she wanted to cry. She just couldn't understand any of this!

“Alex ?” A small voice pipped beside her, making her jump in surprise.

When she turned her head to look at her right, the girl met two blue eyes staring at her. Those belonged to Luke Hemmings, the school's best student and probably their future valedictorian.

“Your knuckles are turning purple,” he mumbled out, looking shyly down at his pale fingers that laid on his desk, holding a pencil.

“Oh,” She breathed out. “Thanks” Alex said before unclenching her hands, feeling the blood rush back in them as she stretched them a little.

He hummed in response, and that's when it hit her. Luke was the school's biggest nerd, math was his kind of thing! He could tutor her! Well, at least she could try and ask him, maybe he was already tutoring someone else. She had nothing to lose.

“Hey, do you understand this crap ?” Alex asked him, looking from the board to Luke.

“Of course I do,” He said before realizing it sounded a bit cocky and blushing slightly. “I mean, uhm, yeah, I understand,” Luke mumbled again.

“Well, could you maybe... tutor me or something ?” The girl asked hesitantly, blushing as well. Gosh it sounded just as dumb as she thought. He must think that she was one of those shallow girls who ask someone else to do their homework and such. Yet Luke seemed to be surprised and didn't make any effort to hide it. He shrugged, a little taken aback, but agreed.

“Fine. My house, after school today, does that work ?” He asked, replacing his glasses on his nose and avoiding her gaze.

“Sure, I'll drive us,” Alex smiled gratefully, but he didn't seem to notice, he was already focused back on the lesson.

It felt like an entire week passed before the bell eventually rang, and Luke stood up and said quietly “Meet me by the front when you're done.” He was still avoiding her eyes.

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