Ch.9: Camping Trip Pt.2⚠️

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Warning: Mention of Blood, R@pe, Murder, and Panic attacks. If you are sensitive to these things, please skip over paragraph 2 and 3 This a slightly angsty chapter

They are the reason why my daughter died....". I looked at her confused and she continued. "If it wasn't for that boy she would still be here today" She pointed to Toono and then yelled at me. "IF IT WASN'T FOR HIM SHE WOULD STILL BE HERE". I looked at her even more confused what did Toono have to do with her daughter's death. "He is why she's gone" "What does Toono have to do with your daughter's death?" I tried staying calm but her anger was starting to make me angry. "It was a summer afternoon his mother was coming so me and her could have our morning tea and attend a festival during the night" I listened intently and so did the police officer standing next to me. He knew of the case and knew all the information about it but he had always wanted to hear her side of the story.

"They were playing in the garden like they usually did, we called them in to get ready. Mai was wearing beautiful blue kimono and he was wearing something similar, we went to the festival. She was so happy, we were having so much fun till we lost them. We looked for hours and finally found them.... He was tied and was up against the wall crying, yelling for my daughter to wake up as my daughter layed still in a pool of her own blood. Her kimono was ripped down the middle and her underwear was thrown off to the side ripped apart" She started crying you could hear her voice crack. " She was raped and killed from what the police told me there was a camera where this happened. It caught everything, apparently they wandered into the alley by 'accident' and had encountered the man he tied Takashi(Toono) and threw him to the side and proceeded to do 'things' to my daughter and then killed her by stabbing her 6 times as Takashi screamed and yelled before he slammed her head on the pavement multiple times" She poured out sobbing.

I sat there with my jaw dropped I felt like I was about to puke, I couldn't breathe, I was shaking, and my heart was racing so fast it could have jumped out of my chest. I was imagining that happening in front of me like I was in Toono's place watching ever second of it. Hoping and praying it would stop. I fell to my knee unable to speak or do anything to signal I needed help. I didn't know what was going on. The officer was inside the car so he couldn't see me at all which made the whole situation worse. Then I hear yelling for my name. I couldn't even answer no matter how much I tried I couldn't answer. I felt someone hugging me, it was Toono he was trying to relax me as the woman yelled at him to let go of me. He rocked me back and forth ignoring her covering my eyes repeating the same thing over and over "You are okay nothing is going to happen. You are safe". He repeated it over and over. I listened to his words over the sound of yelling. The more I listened the calmer I felt. I stopped shaking so much, I could breathe, my heart rate slowed down, and my nausea was going away. I had a panic attack I don't usually have them but I guess the fear got to me...

After a few more minutes we stood up my body still felt a little weak from all the shaking, she was still yelling telling him to leave me alone. We just ignored her and walked away from the car. I stayed with the others till the police left. The lady had a message to relay to me before she left. The message was stay away from them unless you want to end up like my daughter. We had all went home Toono had come with me to my house even though we could have stayed back at the school but the principal decided to have us just go home to avoid something like this happening again. We sat in silence on the drive. We decide to wait a day before we went to go camping. That night we were on a call with Kashima to discuss the events of today. He had mentioned what happened to me and I had explained my situation. After that we continued talking for a bit longer and also tolled the other we are going on a camping trip and to be honest it probably not the best idea to invite the others from the club but we did so it is whatever now. We also invited Yaguchi so this is going to be a very interesting trip.

Hey peeps sorry for another short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed it. See you next chapter, Peace

A girl in an all boys school!?(Yarichin b1tch club fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant